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I want to take what I already have and build on it more

As I reread through my work I see places where I would have liked to mentioned a small quirk earlier on or other facts and thingys,some just feel like a after thought for me.

Such like Sho's super small amount of friends,Mina's life of the shrine like other friends she could have had,Budo's family issues,Ayano's gaslight from her mother but also her mental struggles cause I do admit I Lowkey threw that out the window later on as I did a few other things

But I want to fix that.Fill the holes that need to be filled and not leave unplanned gaps around.

I just want to add more depth into both the plot and characters

I won't be unpublishing chapters or such cause I'm not certain if it's going to take away reads and votes,so my plan is to copy and paste to edit them somewhere else and then from there add in the stuff I wish to add into the original to hopefully not much things up to much.

The edit won't be fast sadly as I want to do better planning of chaps,the overall story and such will be the same just smaller fixes and adds.Not have it feel so rushed as the later chapters

As I get excited to start the next story arc I neglected what I had now,I want to fix it

I'm yet to find a way to announce when a chapter has been edited but I'll probably just announce it on my profile self 😗 If not follow me,then good luck with checking in

With all that said I would just want to send love and appreciate to everyone who reads,votes and comments

This is the reason why I want to improve this is to have you all have a better reading experience

So do expect a hopefully improved story when I've finished with editing


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