Chapter 13

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Budo raised an eyebrow,"So?Any of you two going to talk?"He asked leaning forward slightly.Sho looked at Mina panicked as she looked him with a 'The fuck,I don't know what to do stop looking at me' expressing while Budo cleared his throat to grab both their attention,"I only need one to talk"he said.Mina started to play with her hair as she looked to the ground,Sho rubbed his wrist with a shameful smile.

"So you and Ayano are friends?" He asked Mina,she nodded.He looked over to Sho,"You knew?"He asked,Sho giggled nervously."I'm a adult,I can handle the truth"Budo spoke.Mina sighed,"Yeah,I was hiding my friendship with Ayano from you for a few years now"Mina said,"How many years?"He asked leaning towards her,"Since my second year,after she came back from the whole roof incident"Mina said before lightly biting he tongue,it feels like their being scolded.

"Why did you feel the need to hide it from me?"He asked with a small frown,Mina looked off to the side,"I don't know,you two had some bad blood and I didn't want to piss you off with being buddy buddy with her after her slapping you and all that"She said looking to the side,Budo sighed,"I know her and I had problems but it doesn't mean I would had been mad at you.Who you are friends with doesn't have anything to do with me,their your friends.Unless they hurt you,I have no say about them"He said stepping closer and pushing her softly with a reassuring smile,"I'm not mad about that,just don't think I'll be mad over simple things"He said,she looked up at him and smiled back,"Okay fine"She said.Budo gave her a quick smile before looking at Sho.

"I know those shoes were hers,why were you trying to hide the fact?"He asked,Sho smiled at him sheepishly,"You already have so much stuff to deal with,I didn't think you  knowing she's here is a good thing to add to your mix"He said looking to the side with a small pout.Budo hummed,"I know you're trying to protect me but I'm grown man,I can deal with stuff like that without being babied.But I do appreciate the act,just don't think I'm glass,I can handle shit,dude"Budo smiled,Sho looked at him but continued to pour until he gave in and gave a small chuckle,"Doesn't mean I'll stop"He gave him a cheeky smile,Budo shook his head but laugh softly,"Thank you,you are a wonderful babysitter"He said,Sho grinned and made finger gun towards him,"You know it"

The three stood and chatted as the door to the apartment open to reveal Ayano rubbing her eye.She looked around to them,as they to her,"Took everyone long enough to group up"She said stretching her hands in the air,a soft smile on Budo's lips.She moved aside,"Tea?"she asked fixing her hair,Mina looked the Sho and then both to Budo.He smiled and nodded,"I'll never say no to a good cup of tea"He said,Mina walked inside followed by Budo and Sho.Ayano closed the door and started to full the tea pot while Mina lead the guys to the lounge area.

"I'm going to changed real quick,make yourself at home"She said before slipping into her room.Sho looked around to the apartment while Budo stepped to look at the balcony,he nudges Sho and point towards there,"We should do something like this by ours"He said,Sho scratched his chin nodding ,"It would look kickass" he said looking back to Budo.Ayano peaked her head from behind the wall,"Anything specific with how you drink tea?"She asked,"I'd take some extra milk with"Sho said,Budo stood admiring her a moment before shacking his head,"I take three sugars with"he said,Ayano nods,"Sweet tooth"She said in a teasingly tone with a crooked smile before disappearing again behind the wall.

Mina walked out with a crop top and sweat pants,her hair tied into a bun.She smiled at them as she took a seat by the kotatsu.Sho sitting to her right and Budo across from her.She held her head up with her hands looking between Budo and Sho,"So how we feeling"She asked trying to break some tension.Budo sighed before smiling,"I've had worse days"He said and then Sho looked at him,"She didn't show up again?"he asked confused. Budo nodded,"Yeah,I waited a hour and yeah,but whatever it's not the worse she could do.Not like she's screwing around with someone else"He joked and Mina raised a eyebrow,"So this is the technical side chick?"She asked as she talked with her one hand,he nods but his eyes moving to where Ayano possibly stood.

His cheeks flushing with embarrassment,'What could she be think about me?Side chick?She probably thinks I'm a cheater'Budo silently panicked as Ayano walked around the corner Budo immediately looking away.She carried two mugs in each hand.She placed them down and took one for one cup and place infront of everyone,"Mina,one sugar with little milk"She said placing a green mug infront of her."More then usual milk for Sho"She said placing a blue mug infront of Sho.She glanced towards Budo placing the orange mug infront of him,"Three sugars, Masuyama" she said with a small smile,she quickly sat down and started to drink her tea.She's already being to friendly to him,she quietly scolded herself while the rest started to drink their tea,"You all were quite idiots to have thought I couldn't hear through the doors,their thin as paper"Ayano said,holding her mug against her bottom lip before drinking.

The rest of the evening held on with few small talks before both Sho and Budo called it a night and left.Mina was carrying the mugs to the sink as Ayano followed behind her,"That honestly went a lot better the expected,I surely thought Sho would curse me out at some point"She said,Mina looked at her.Her lips pulled in a thin line,"Har Har.."She mocked before washing the dishes,Ayano held her hands in the air,"I'm telling the truth,he truly hates my guts with a burning passion"Ayano said,"He over protective about people he care about a lot,he doesn't really think how others feel if it means to keep his love ones safe"Mina looked over to her.

"He doesn't hate you,he needs some time to know you and see you aren't a threat to me nor Budo.He does have some dislike to you for hurting Budo and me getting hurt to help you,but he'll be nicer upon knowing you" She said,Ayano only smirked,"Real protective of your boyfriend"Mina started to flare up throwing a cloth to Ayano,"No,no.He's in a relationship and I'm barely out one,plus we're just friends"Mina said before continuing to wash the mugs.Ayano hummed as she placed down the cloth on the counter and mad a bee line towards her room.Mina standing and swearing under her breath,her face still hot as she dried of the dishes.

The next day came into sight,Friday morning.Like usual Mina stood by the sink finishing up while Ayano stood by the door frame talking with her.The clouds still around but much more clear then the previous day.Ayano continued to tease Mina about Sho,Mina felt like dying at this point.Mina looked into the mirror to lock eyes with Ayano,giving her a strong glare.Ayano stuck her tongue out before stepping away,Mina sighed and followed her to the kitchen,"So what are you doing today?"Mina asked as she packed her bag,Ayano shrugged,"I really want to go out but I know I'll be questioned a lot about my eye so I'll probably stay in again"She said,Mina frowned at her.

"I honestly would love to stay home with you,I don't like you being alone here so much"She said softly head bumming hers.Ayano chuckled,"If I'm truly so bored I'll pay a visit to our new neighbors"Ayano teased.Mina pulled away and frowned at her but more of a pissed manner,"You want to test Sho"she said,Ayano gave her a cheeky smile as she walked over to the door to unlock it,"Maybe~"She smiled before stepping out.Mina sighed,but smiled as she changed her shoes and stepped out.Both walked together until the street,Ayano waved Mina off before she watched the other people walking around a moment before go back inside.

It's calm for a Friday,the streets are usually a lot more busy.Ayano rest against the elevator walls as she thought of what she could do,maybe some cardio would be fun.She subconsciously tapped her chin as she continued to think as the doors opened.She stood ready to step out as she came face to face with Sho,he froze mid air for his step before pulling back.He held his hands behind his back,"I'll take the next one"He said,Ayano shook her head as she stepped out,"I'm dropping off here"She said walking past,pushing her hands into her pants pockets.

"Aishi,I should probably apologize for what I have said about you behind you back"Ayano turned around to watch him,she rose her one hand to stop him.He only looked at her confused,"I understand that you don't like me,I can't blame you but you owe me no apology for your opinion"She said placing her hand back into her pocket,"But please,think next time before you talk,someone might hear you"She said,she slowly stepping back and turning her back to him.Sho stood back and frowned as he stepped into the elevator,so much for trying but he couldn't blame her for that reaction.Ayano knew well he didn't like her and wouldn't want to push him when their alone,yesterday she could take a chance and try her luck but knew oneday isn't going to change his opinion,baby steps must do for now to be good acquaintances.

Ayano stepped into the apartment and walked towards the balcony,she sat down as she grabbed a book and started to read.However her mind couldn't focus,the knowledge of Budo still being so close is raising through her mind.He aged well over the years she didn't see him if she would be honest with herself,never thought he'd grow his hair out so long but it suited him surprisingly well.Her face heat up as she groaned annoyed letting her head fall back,this was going to be harder then expected.

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