Chapter 31

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"How certain are you that it is Tomomi?Seeing they were beheaded" Ayano asked raising a eyebrow at Sho.Sho takes a few files from his backpack and placed them on his bed infront of Ayano,"Look through if you want to,they ran their fingerprints and it was a perfect match with theirs"He responded,"It was two fingers,the rest were removed from what I'm reading from the biopsy"Ayano spoke up looking through the medical records,"Yeah it's only the two,but those two are an identical match.To the last detail"

Ayano hums as she placed the files back down,"I still find it hard to believe it's them,and who would do this"She said,Sho nods,"I can see why,it's a shock".Ayano continues to glance at the files,mind bubbling who would do this and why.Budo sat on his phone,"Yeah,I will be coming in later seeing you screwed up on two cases.See you later"He mumbled annoyed,Mina looking at him from the door.A tea cup in hand,as Budo sighs he takes notice of her.A faint embarrassed blush running along his cheeks.

"I'm taking that you just heard me?"He asked with a crooked smile,Mina only giggled while shacking her head,"I'd be surprised if the other two didn't hear you through the closed door"She joked as she walked up to him to place the cup down before flopping onto his bed,"They're still busy hard on that,huh?"He asked as he took a sip of the tea.Mina nods,hosting herself up by her elbows,"Both of them are so focused to see every small detail up until now.This thing with Tomomi and the people they think they worked for is part of a much larger ring"She said,Budo nods"But you don't seem so worried at the moment tho,did you find some drugs or something to take?You were like a panicked and paranoid animal when we picked you up,what happened?"She asked sitting up properly.

Budo shrugs,"She's with Sho now,who has a gun and a officer so I think she'll be safe here,especially when his partner shows up later.Plus I'm too pissed at work,it wasn't even one of my cases I passed on but some idiot mixed up the evidence between two rape allegations.I don't have much of a choice since I'm their superior or whatever I need to come in and fix the mess and arrange a new court date for both cases"He responded while rubbing his temple,"They somehow completely mixed up the documents and when into court with the mixed evidence,so that case was thrown out.The other case was also a complete mess because none of the evidence was following up on each other"

Mina hums as she moved to sit edge of the bed and hold out her hands to him. He looked at her confused,"You pissed and I want to play with you hair so come here"She said glancing towards the ground before her.Budo looks shocked before chuckling as he placed the cup down and move from his desk to sit by Mina.Mina grins as she pulls the hair tie to loosen his hair,"From high school till now I can't understand how your hair is so soft,I even tried your hair routine and it did nothing for me"She pouts as she combs his hair with her fingers,Budo just continued to chuckle,"I guess I just have better genes" He tilts his head back to flash a cocky grin at her.Mina gave a overly dramatic gasp and she moves his head back.

"Are you saying I have bad genes?" She asked offended.Budo hums,"I guess I am"He responded.Mina shoves his shoulder with her leg while prepping his hair to braid,"It's probably mean but I'm happy Ayano is handing out with Sho,I have some alone time with my second favorite guy"She teased,"Who's first?"Budo asked shocked,"Dont okay the fool here,Bubu"She said poking his head.He chuckles,"But when you see my dad ever again,don't tell him he's third.He might kill you to be second"She joked,Budo nods,"I will never"He smiled,Mina hums in response.Letting of of his hair thy now resting in a braid.His bangs hanging loose on the sides,slipping out of the braid.

The two share a moment of silence before Mina spoke up again,"Be careful around Ayano"Budo felt confused by her words,"What do you mean be careful around her?"He asked,"As much as I adore Ayano,she has a dark past.I'm scared that her past is back to take revenge upon her,if she would get lost along the way...please don't follow behind blindly,I can't loose two people I care so much about like that"She admits,tears swelling in her eyes but she quickly rubs them away.

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