Chapter 9

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Ayano's smile fell as she stepped out of the apartment to cup Mina's face,Mina looked into her hers before chocking up and crying again.Ayano lean forward and pull her in her embrace as Mina cried into her shoulder.Ayano rubbed circles on Mina back in hopes to comfort her,"Come inside and get changed,I'm making fried rice"Ayano said pulling away,but resting her arms on Mina's arms.Mina sniffled as she nodded,Ayano move her hand up to her shoulders the pull off her bag and carry it as Mina changed out of her shoes and into her slippers while Ayano placed her bag on a counter top.

Mina closed the door and proceeded to walk towards her room to change while Ayano filled up two bowls and walked over to their kotatsu and placed them down.She moved back towards the kitchen to grab two beers,taken her seat and started to eat as Mina walked out of her room,she sat down and immediately started eating,Ayano only smiled at her eating her own share.A few moments of silence before Mina gave in and held both of her hands against the warm bowl,"I'm back to being single"Ayano raised an eyebrow at Mina as she chewed.Mina let's out a sigh,"Kokoro send me a link to his fiancé's account.."She said,Ayano chocked on her bite for a moment but quickly swallow the food,a few coughs before she started to talk.

"Excuse me?"Ayano asked,Mina gave her a weak smile,"He has an other girlfriend,they got engaged so they've probably been together easily a year...I unknowingly helped him cheat on the poor girl"Mina said fidgeting with her hair,Ayano moved closer to her and placed a hand on her shoulder,"His lost,just block his number later and if he comes here I'll deal with him from there"Ayano responded with a comforting smile,Mina only giggled as she whipped a few run away tears,"Yeah,thank you"Mina said look up at Ayano,Ayano only hum with a smile before eating again.

Mina took a bite and pointed with her utensil towards Ayano's bruise,"Okay,now explain that"Mina said,Ayano looked at her confused before humming,"Oh yeah.It was your usual middle-of-the-week drunk that came in,passed out but stunk of alcohol,it smelt worse then cheap beer.Nurse Suzuki and I were doing the regular check up,I noticed her head was bleeding and told her.She started with cleaning to wound while I checked her pupils,then she suddenly shot up hitting me perfectly in the face with full force.I was on the ground from the impact,she started talking about some prophecy of me being burned alive and my past will come back,a lot of crap"

"A gaurd came to hold her down while nurse Suzuki gave her some calming medication,which helped cause she was out like a light again.Even if I was hurt I went to finish her check up and noticed this weird tattoo on her pulse,it looked like it could be gang related if you asked me.I was sent home after that and gave off a few extra days so the bruising and everything can go away,can't have a nurse walking around with a black eye"Ayano joked before taking a sip of her beer,Mina nods her head,"Wild day"Mina joked as she continued to eat.

Mina stood cleaning their dishes while Ayano took a shower.Mina hummed a melody when knocking came from the door.Mina closed the water and dried her hands off while walking to the door,she peeked through the peep hole and shocked to see Sho waving.She placed the cloth down and open the door,"This is unexpected"Mina said raising an eyebrow,"Yeah but you forgot your phone and I didn't like leaving it with the weirdo"Sho responded with a faint blush while holding out her phone.Mina looked shocked at him before smiling,"I honestly forgot I own one"Mina joked as she took the phone back,she looked back up at him,"Curios,how did you know where I live and where's Budo?"Mina asked,Sho scratched the back of his neck.

"Kokoro called a few minutes after you left,she first gave us the wrong directions but afterwards gave us the right ones so we could have been here much earlier but hey shit happens"He told her,"And Budo?You guys are usually like a package deal"She said,Sho faces dropped,"His mom called so it's most likely either a screaming match or Budo taking the unnecessary scolding.That hag has nothing better to do then break down the poor guy"Sho said crossing his arms,Mina frown but nod,"Understandable then"She said. But Sho's face quickly lit up,"You know what's funny,this building is actually own by my great uncle.Me and Budo are moving in on the fifth floor,two above yours"Sho spoke with a bright smile.

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