Chapter 18

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"You know those Internet quiz things are never actually true"Mina said from the back seat,Kokoro rolled her eyes,"We didn't make you do like fifteen of those quizzes last night for you to deny all of it"She said?"But they're never accurate!Im not in love with Sho"Mina frowned with a bright blush,"I thought they were about Ayano.."Kokoro said shocked as she slightly covered her mouth.Mina groans and she slides down in her seat and stare to the outside as Kokoro giggled.Ayano in the passenger seat,minding her own business with her earplugs in.

"So...where are we going?"Mina asked softly from her spot,"To a bakery"Kokoro said smiling into the mirror at Mina,"I thought you guys wanted me to take my mind of the finals,not treat Ayano"Mina joked,Ayano reached a hand behind the seat to pinch Mina,Mina gasped and before she could talk again Kokoro spoke up,"You'll love it as well don't worry,trust me"Kokoro smiled,Mina frowned and look out the window.

Kokoro hummed happily along with the radio as Mina slowly joined into the song.Ayano has been in her own daze the whole morning,like she's wanting to keep something bottled up from the others.Mina knew Ayano had time periods she'll be completely silent but this was a odd time to have one of those.Kokoro pulled into the parking area infront of a small bakery.She lead both Mina and Ayano to the door and went inside despite on the door stood 'CLOSE'

She took a seat,Ayano next to her ans Mina across from them,"So what exactly are we doing here?"Mina asked,Kokoro looked at her before her eyes drifted to behind her and smiled.Ayano giving a weak smile and wave,Mina turned around to look who they were greeting and gasped to see Amai walking out the kitchen.She rubbed her belly as she smiled at the girls,"Welcome to my humble workplace,lovely to have you all here today"Amai joked as everyone gave quick hugs,"Umeji will be bringing us tea and treats now,I wanted to help but since I'm carrying this little girl he won't let me do much.Believes I'm as frail as glass"Amai joked.

The rest of the morning filled with gossip and tea between the four,giggling like little school girls.Amai smiled as she chewed on a chocolate chip cookie," So is everyone's relationships going alright "She asked curios,Kokoro grinned as she showed her hand to Amai,a shining engagement ring with a diamond to wrap it together,"Like a week ago,when he came back from his tour"She said,Amai only gasped at the jewel.She smiled and congratulated Kokoro before looking at the other two,"So?"

Mina held her hands up,"I'm still single,nothing going on with me"She said,"What about Sho?"Someone asked in a whisper tone before Ayano started to fake cough,"Oh sorry,dry throat"Ayano said rubbing her neck,Mina started to blush as she glared at Ayano,"Sho?"Amai asked,uncertain if she heard the name correctly.Mina grumbles under her breath before nervously playing with her hair,"It's nothing serious,besides he's dating another girl"She said,Ayano frowned at her,"Okay but like,you do still stand a better chance then her.She may have dated him after school,you still know him the best.Plus he cares a shit ton about you"Ayano said reaching over the table to take ahold of Mina's hands,"I'll be honest I thought you guys were dating in high school with how much you guys were around each other"Kokoro said drinking her tea.

Mina gave a helpless sigh as she sunk into her seat,"You guys are delusional"Mina said crossing her arms,Kokoro lean over to Ayano,"Hopefully a few shots tonight will loosen her up"She whispered,Ayano hummed in agreement as Mina glared at them both.Mina started to smile wickedly as she locked eyes with Ayano,"What about you and Tomomi?Two years,gotta have something cooking up there"She asked resting her head on her hand,Ayano rolled her eyes before glancing down,"We have no serious intentions to marry or anything like that.What we have is working so far and I'll prefer for it to stay like that"Ayano said.

Mina only stuck her tongue out to Ayano before grinning,"Boo,and Budo?"She asked with a teasingly tone,the other two now also concentrating on Ayano and her reaction.Her eyes widen sightly with a faint blush coming to her cheeks,Amai gasped,"She's blushing!"She said before giggling.Mina looked shocked at her,"Wait I was joking,serious?"She asked,Ayano only rolls her eyes as she try's to calm down her blush,"Dont be foolish,I only have a interest in Budo and no one else"She said taking a bite of a cookie before her eyes widen and swallow quickly with a few coughs to follow.

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