Chapter 35

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"How does breakfast on me sound?"Mina asked as she petted Sho's head,Sho groans as he rolls over to look at Mina.She smiled down at him as she placed a quick kiss on his lips,"Come on,we should also look for Ayano and Budo.I heard earlier when I was out for some fresh air I walked into Raibaru.She was wishing death upon both of them"She said standing up,Sho also sat up rubbing his eyes,"Just call Budo so long,we can meet up in like a hour to leave"Sho yawned as he stood up to stretch.

He walked past Mina,giving her a quick kiss before disappearing in the bathroom.Ringing,after a few seconds a answer,"What's up?"Budo's tired voice came through,"Morning sleepyhead,just giving a heads up we're leaving over a hour.Meet up at the front door"Budo hums in agreement as she heard Ayano's voice faintly in the background,"I'll leave you two alone but remember"She smiled placing the phone down,"Sho...when are you going to tell Ayano you are most likely going to be kicked off the case?"Mina asked,Sho peeking at her from the door with a small frown,"I don't know when is a good time to bring it up"

Mina sighs as she stood up to walk over and cup Sho's cheeks,"You're going to need to do it some time,it's been eating at Ayano that something new haven't come to light.She's doing what she can to keep her mind off it but knowing her it will bother her either way"Mina said,Sho nods,"I know,just a bit more time before I tell her.Theres still a chance I won't be kicked off"Sho smiled at her.

Mina returning it as she kissed him,"Just warn her at the least"Sho pouts,"Fine,I'll do it today"He said.Mina hums as she walks past him to turn the shower water on as she started to strip,looking over to Sho.She smirked at him,"We have almost a hour to kill"Sho looked at her shocked before smiling as he walked over to his bag to pull out a small packet,"Round whatever it is,here we come"

Budo look down to Ayano who was staring up at him with a soft smile,"You look better with messy hair"Budo blushes as he looks away with a shy smile,Ayano chuckles as she pulls herself up.Her knees against her chest as she rest on them,"Thanks for last night...stopping Raibaru before she grabbed me"Budo said softly leaning back,Ayano smiles at him.She reached out to his face and move a piece of hair behind his ear,he look back to her before laughing,"I fell the roles are suppose to be the other way round"He joked,Ayano moves closer to him as she cupped his cheek,"No matter which way you'll still stay an Angel to me.Too good hearted for this cruel world,and also very handsome"She teased,Budo brighten up as he puffed his lips,"I'm suppose to say stuff like that"

"Then what am I to you?"

"I'm not even sure,you're so many things.I-I would tell you when I find a perfect fit for you,is that okay?"He asked,Ayano giggles as she nods,"I'll wait" She moved away to walk over to the bathroom,hearing a loud sigh Budo followed along,"The dress isn't very wearable anymore,I hope Kokoro won't kill me"She said pinching her nose bridge,"Raibaru was so unnecessary last night,with throwing drink on you to grabbing my dick.I might sound mean but I hope she gets what she deserves,she went too far last night"He said as he walked over to the mirror to start fixing his hair.

Ayano look at him confused,"She groped you?" Ayano asked shocked,Budo looked at her startled before letting out a nervous chuckle,"It wasn't that bad,don't worry"He said trying to reassure her,but Ayano was flaming,"Do you think she's still here somewhere?Id like to give her a pretty piece of my mind"She said with a sadistic grin.

Budo gulped as he looked away,"She probably left yesterday,let's just leave her alone.Hopefully this will be the last time we really see her"He said,Ayano sighs as she walks to behind Budo,wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head against him,"Tell me whenever someone touches you who you don't want to,I'll cut their hands off"She spoke,Budo let out a small chuckle as in it was a joke but it sounded almost too serious for a moment to be a joke but he let it slide.

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