Chapter 22

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"Kokoro,like I said we're fine.Small cuts and bruises,we won't die of infection from them"Ayano said as she studied the bruise by her ribs,she had to give it to him he knew how to throw a hard punch.Kokoro sighed over the phone,"That's then a what about you and Budo?Anything happened there?"Kokoro asked with a hit of teasing in her words.It only cause Ayano frown thinking of him the previous night,rubbing salt in his already raw wounds.

"I...I did something really stupid"Ayano spoke softly as she bit her lips,"I really fucked up and...and I don't know if I can fix it this time with him"Ayano said with a smile but with a shaky voice and feeling her chest ache,"What happened?"Kokoro asked concerned,"I don't really want to talk about it right now...maybe later?"She asked,Kokoro hummed,"It's okay,I won't push you to tell just know I'm here if you ever want to talk.I'll be there in a few minutes"She said and stopped the call.Ayano nods to herself and let the shit fall and cover the bruise.She ended up using one of his T-shirt and sweatpants to wear before she could get her own clothes again.

She sighed as she placed her phone down to grab the shirt and smell it,even in his closet it smells like him.There then came a knock from the door.Ayano quickly let go of the shirt and walked to the door,she opened it with Budo standing there with his hands in a hoodie,"Kokoro is probably on her way,we should get going"He spoke but continued to look to the ground.Bit the inside of her mouth and nods,"Yeah,right right"She said as she walked past him holding her head down in shame.

Budo caught himself looking at her,she looked so just cute in his clothes.The shirt being to big,hanging off slightly her left shoulder,even the pants cover almost completely her feet.He cleared his throat and tried to calm down the blush growing on his face.Ayano looked over her shoulder to him and frowned as she turned back to look in front of her,'He won't even look at me'she told herself as she followed behind him down the stairs,playing with her fingers.

The elevator ride down not much better,both standing in opposite corner avoiding any form of eye contact.The tension thick,smothering almost.Ayano kept her eyes down to her hands as she picked her nails while Budo couldn't stop himself to look at her every few seconds.He wasn't mad by any means,he could never be mad at her.But she did hurt him,deeply.Much more she did the previous time round.

The ding from the door open made Ayano sigh a breath of relief she didn't know she was holding onto and stepped out first,not looking back to see if Budo is following her,just want to get out to get out to have fresh air.Ayano stepped out the building and took a deep breath as she looked up to the sky and smiled,Budo watching her from behind.He walked up to stand next to her,Ayano looked at him and started to play with her finger again as she looked infront of her,"Can we talk?When we get back home?"She whispered,watching what Budo does from the corner of her eyes,"Im not ready yet"He said,facing away from her.She hummed as she held her lips in a tight line,'Worth a shot'

Kokoro pulled up and waved at them,Budo took the back seat as Ayano stepped into the passenger seat.Kokoro immediately feeling the tension,"Happy to see you both in one piece"She said as she started to drive again.Both humming to respond to her question,Kokoro frowned softly.The rest of the car ride filled with silence and unease.Kokoro throughout the car ride tried her best to study them both the best she could,to their body language to their responses.Last night ride with just awkward with them,today was just so tense.

Kokoro smiled to herself as she saw their building in the distance,she loved Ayano dearly but the tension building up between them is even to much for her to deal with.Coming to a stop Ayano greeted Kokoro while Budo thanked her,both walking side by side into the building.Ayano continued to look down to her feet,scared to make eye contact while Budo kept an eye on her from quick glances.He knew he was probably being selfish for being cold towards her after last night,but he didn't want to be so vulnerable around her again soon.The elevator ride much faster then the previous one.

Ayano looked over to Budo and took a deep breath,"I'll...I'll bring these back later,I'll drop them by Sho so you don't have to see me"Ayano said,Budo shook his head looking at her confused,"You can give them back personally,you don't have to hide your face from me"He said,that gave Ayano a small bit of hope that they could work past this.The doors opened,Ayano stepped out but quickly looked behind her to lock eyes with Budo was looking right back to her.She gave him a small smile and wave before the doors closed but she could have swore she saw a smile.She sighed as she moved the grab her key out of her backpack to unlock her apartment.

She stepped inside to find Mina busy bu the sink,she turned around to give her a mischievous smile,"A whole night alone with Budo huh?"Mina teased as she dried off her hands,Ayano's chest only aches as the events flash through her mind but held a small smile.

"Nothing happened"She didn't want to spoil her friendship with him over her,"I cleaned his cuts,made sure he didnt have anything bad otherwise then him and I parted way the rest of the night"Ayano responded as she placed her backpack down."Even so,you look so cute in his clothes"Mina said stepping up to her and tug at the shirt,Ayano flushed up,"I couldn't sleep with that dress,and I couldn't sleep with only panties so I didn't have much of a choice"Ayano said stepping away from Mina.

Mina only giggled,"I'll stop teasing you now" Mina smiled lightly slapping Ayano's cheek,"Eaten anything yet?"Mina asked as she walked over to the stove,"No,I woke up late"Ayano lied,she didn't close a eye once the night.Guilt eating to much at her for her to get a peaceful sleep.Mina hummed,"In like them,making some breakfast now.Eggs with bacon,not the healthiest but tasty"She said with a wink to Ayano,Ayano chuckled at her."I'll get changed and be back with you"She said and walked towards her room.

Slowly pulling off the shirt,her body still stiff from the punch.She cussed under her breath placing the shirt on her bed,following with the pants.She took a button up with shorts to dress in for the day.She looked at the clothing on her bed and pouted,"He won't probably want those back to fast"She said to herself as she took them and placed them in her closet and walk back out the chat with Mina.

Budo walking into his apartment with hearing Sho swearing.He frowned as she quickly pulled his shoes off and walking through the apartment to find Sho sitting on his bed,on his phone,"Can you stop screaming at me for one fucking second?!"He yelled into the phone,"Why am I screaming?Cause you won't hear me!"He continued to yell until he let out a helpless sigh,"Let's talk later"Before putting a phone down.

He used both of his hands to rub his face when Budo cleared his throat.Sho gasping and shooting his head to look at Budo,"You just want to give me a heart attack"He said while chuckling.Budo shrug as he walked to sit next to Sho,"So~"Sho rubbed his arm against Budo's,"Ayano,anything happened"Budo shook his head while keeping a smile,as he was reminded of the previous night,"For you,sadly no"He said flicking a finger against his forehead,Sho pouting at Budo,"Nothing happened at all?"He asked more curios.Budo nods,"Nothing,so stop asking"Budo said and he leaned backward and rest on her hands.

Sho hummed as he lunged forward and pulled at Budo's collar,"I knew I saw it!"He said seeing the hickey on his skin,Budo felt his face heat up as he tried to move away from Sho,"It's not what you think"Budo started with a nervous smile while Sho rolled his eyes,"Im not that fuckibg stupid,I know a hickey when I see one"Sho said pointing towards it,Sho gasped as he covered his mouth with smirked at Budo,"You guys did the devils tango?"He asked,Budo's ears started to burn from the blush as he shook his head,"I told you no!Now let me go"Budo continued as he tried to pull away from Sho.

Sho pouted as he let go of Budo,"I'm going to fish by Mina if Ayano said anything,you'll be to shy to admit anything anyways"Sho said resting back onto his bed with a resting smile.Budo rolled his eyes,"But serious nothing like that happened"Budo said while crossing his arms,"Who was that on the ohone?"Budo asked,Sho immediately started to tense up,"Supuna"he muttered,Budo nods his head,"Guessed so much,what was it about this time?"He asked,"Shes mad I didnt pick up her call last night.It was the same time I was trying to cheer up Mina,she couldn't believe I choice my clearly upset friend over a call with her"Sho said annoyed.

Budo hummed,"Maybe it might do you some good to not talk with her again for awhile,haven't seen you this pissed in a long time"Budo said,Sho nods,"I know,she's anyway busy so I probably won't hear from her easily again "Sho said as he sat back up,"Want to go out and eat?I don't want to cook"Sho suggested,Budo smiled at him,"Get dressed"

Budo would adore to get advice for his closest friend over what to do with Ayano,but he was just really starting to warm up to her.He didn't want to push their friendship back into square one.Budo waited outside their apartment as he took a deep breath,"Hopefully the week will go better"

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