Chapter 30

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The past week went far more smooth then both Ayano and Budo expected.Spent the first night busy with a heart to heart when Mina and Sho left.

"I didn't stop once to think about your feelings that night,the hurt and betrayal from that ginger cunt...then I just went and rubbed salt into the wound...I was being selfish either way,I apologize"

Ayano could still perfect remember how he was looking at her,those wide,curios,hurt eyes.His mouth was slightly parted as well,Ayano thought that would be the night they spoke their last words to each other.

"As much I feel like I should despise you to some level,I can't...Is it wrong if I want to give you another shot?With whatever we have going on?"Ayano looked towards him more shocked then confused,"You really want to give me another chance after what I just said?"She asked leaning forward.Budo nods,"I know it's sounds stupid but...I feel like I can't give up on you just yet,not now"He spoke with a cheeky smile.Ayano nods slowly as she sat back,"So are we going to start fresh then,Masuta?"

"Only if you're willing to be completely honest this time"

Ayano smiled to herself as she looked down to her tea,adoring the Chamomile scent coming from the hot liquid.It was midnight.Ayano woke up a few minutes before from a nightmare,Budo sitting next to her slowly falling asleep again himself.Was only able to stay awake long enough to make her tea then pass out again on her shoulder. The days would either be filled with calls from Sho or Mina,pointless cleaning or watching crime documentaries with home-made mochi.

Ayano drank the tea as Budo snuggled into her neck more.She couldn't help but giggle from the action he's doing in his sleep.She makes one of her hands free to play with his hair,somewhat sad about the fact she cut her hair so short.It did help reclaim her new identity but she can't help but miss the length to play with.She takes a lock and twirl it around her finger while listening to his steady breath.

As she continued to drink her tea his breath slowly started to pick up pace,but she didn't pay to much mind to it until he let out a whimper of bliss into her neck.Her whole face flushed as she nearly spit her tea,she quickly cover her mouth to swallow the liquid as she stared shocked down to Budo.Did she hear that correctly?Did he actually make such a sound in his sleep?

Her mind racing with her cheeks burning,maybe she was over reacting.Maybe he was being hurt in his dreams or,or he is trying to wake up...but the red tint on his ears and cheeks gave off another impression. She couldn't help but wonder what his mind was playing around with.As she wished to stay and listen into his clearly enjoyable dream she couldn't,it felt like an invasion of privacy.She slowly tried to move him off her onto the pillow without spilling the tea.After what felt like it took a hour she had Budo lay down onto the pillows.

She let out a sigh of relief as she looked down at him,a small smile playing onto her lips.As she turned to walk to the guest bedroom a soft moan left Budo's lips.


She didn't want to look him in the eyes,she couldn't.It's morning,roughly 9. She haven't told Budo yet about overhearing his peculiar dream,even less that she heard him moan her name in his sleep. Budo found her sudden distance towards him strange,he was use to her random urges to be alone but that she haven't been around him more then a few seconds threw him off.

Ayano stood in the guest bathroom,a towel wrapped around her torso as she fixed her hair.A cold shower to clear the mind.Outside the door stood an anxious Budo,dying to confront her to why she's been avoiding him but also too scared to barge in.He couldn't recall anything that happened after he made the tea,only his pleasant dream came to mind.Woke up alone on the couch,both glad and sad about that.Sad that Ayano left him alone but glad she didn't see his shameful issue.

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