Chapter 4-Reality-

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Mina stood inside the martial arts club,one of the doors locked and the other held close behind her.She looked concerned to the girl who's stood before her,Ayano,who was glaring at her with tears in her eyes.Mina let out an deep breath,"Ayano,we need to talk"

A week has passed,Mina stood ready in the club room to trap Ayano to talk.The urge to know what happened that day has been feasting on her curiosity to the point it's all she could think of,if she needs her or if it's a complete misunderstanding.She leaned her back against the wall as she fidgeted with her bangs.Stupid idea to have cut her hair so terribly short,Papa's stupid doing.


Hoping she would find the note and come.That she won't ignore it.Mina never was close to Ayano,she had always know of her.The quiet girl in her class,didn't try to mingle with others...was just there.Average student,until this year when she suddenly sprung to life.She started to gain popularity,friends.That's when Mina wasn't sure if this is the same girl,from so timid to so popular.But even so she didn't pay much kind to it,not until when she joined the martial arts club.When she noticed how Budo was around her,she may have not been in the club that long but she always hung around in the club.

Budo did his best not to be in anyway romantic or flirty to students,avoiding any possibility of dating so together.Mina guessed it was because he wanted to only focus on his studies and the club but when Ayano came around.He didn't try hard to hide his attraction towards her,not that he out right said it but it was clear.Budo seemed more carefree for once,rebellious in a sense.She has seen them sneak out during class or find them walking out of off limit area.

It seemed bad from the outside but Mina was happy since Budo has been letting loose more then he has before,he agreed more to go to karaoke bras after school,talked less of studying and was just overall happier and brighter.But it did retreat quickly when Ayano dipped out of the club,he started to climb back into she shell of studies more then before and holding some bitterness towards Ayano but he never acted harshly on it,but the way he would look at her if when walked past each other showed the same glimmer from before.

Mina sighs as she checks her phone,the crack reminding her of the event.She could turn a blind eye to it.Ayano disrespected her close friend.Been awfully cold to her.She could give it to the guidance concealer and forget of everything and continue her life in her peace.But her duties as a shrine maiden is making it feel like she needs to help,or at least what she is telling herself.

She kneeled down and listen carefully from the small opening from the door,it's currently cleaning time but she already talked with students that she'll clean the club room herself to keep people away.As she waited again her mind went back to her previous encounters with Ayano,the bathroom and the afternoon she walked past her house,it just spelled out trouble but she needed to help or atleast try.Her thoughts stopped as footsteps coming towards the classroom.As they entered to club room Mina jumped up and close the doors and stand before them,and with luck it was Ayano.

*She look back confused and shocked to see Mina,before and annoyed look came to her as she crumbled the letter in her left hand,annoyed,"Ayano,we need to talk"Mina spoke keeping a strong persona,Ayano roll her eyes as she crossed her arms,"About?Dont think your note is what you actually want to talk about huh?"She spoke raising and eye brow,Mina shakes her head,"No,it is actually"Mina stopped,thinking carefully what her next words are to be.

"A week ago,I saw you and your mom, punched you or something,it happened so fast but she did something to you and I want to know what "Mina said,Ayano's eyes widen before letting out a sigh of defeat as she moved to sit down on the ground,she let out an soft chuckle before look at Mina,tears running down her cheeks,"I'm sorry,I just can't keep this act up anymore"She spoke up but her voice cracking,Mina only looked at her confused and confused,she looked like she was at breaking point.

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