Chapter 8

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Mina looked out of the restaurant window as she lets out a small sigh,holding the menu against her chest.At 25 and just now really figuring out what to do with herself.At least she got a boyfriend,they might not see each other a lot but they do enjoy the time they spend together when they do.

It's been a quite day,barely any customers,just her and a few staff members chatting,"Yeah okay,I do still live with my mom.It's not a sin"A coworker responded named Jiro,young with bleached hair and glasses.Mina looks back at the table to the conversation unfolding.She gave a small giggle with her other fellow workers chuckled.

"What about you Rakuyama-San?" He asked with a faint blush on his cheeks,Mina smiled at him,"I'm actually living with my high school friend,at this point we're best friends.She's a nurse at the local hospital" A few 'ahws' and 'oohs' around the table,the boy only nod with a smile on his face.Mina could tell he liked her but there was almost a whole 5 year age age,thats too big for her personal taste.

As the chattering continued two costumes walked in,Mina signaled she'll serve them so the other waiters could still chat.Most are college kids working for a few extra yen so they are more here to help with rush hour or cleaning.Mina grabbed two menus and stood infront of the two men,she gave them a quick bow before looking up at them,something seemed familiar about them but she couldn't understand what,"Good afternoon,if you would please follow me to our best table"Mina spoke with a bright smile as she started to walk,the two men following her and having a quiet discussion between them Mina couldn't hear.

They took a seat as Mina placed the menus in-front of them and took out her small notepad and pen,she stood ready to write as she waited for their order.She glanced down at them,the feeling of familiarity won't leave her but she didn't know how to ask for a customer's name without coming off as unprofessional.

The one male looked up at her,a stubble growing on his chin but kept trimmed,his hair short but more natural volume on the top,he wore a simple button up shirt that he rolled up his elbows showing his brand watch.He gave her a smile as he locked eyes for a moment,Mina could feel her heart stop for a moment before she blinked and looked away as she felt her face heat up.She was suddenly interrupted by Jiro softly pushing her shoulder,"I can take over for you,Rakuyama-San"He spoke with a large smile but gave a side glare at the guy.

The other male cleared his throat,his hair tied back into a short,but long for a male, ponytail with a designer suit,"We will be taking two of your fish special with one water and?"He looked to his company,"A simple beer will work for me"he said with a cheeky grin at Mina.She quickly pulled out her notepad to write and smile at them again before walking to the chefs,Jiro walked behind her with a frown,"I told you I would serve them,go relax"He spoke,Mina hand the order to the chef before turning around to glare at Jiro,"I was about to say yes cause I didn't think they would have ordered so fast"Mina spoke,he only frowns at her more.

"Mina-" She holds her hand up to him,"I'm you're superior,I would prefer if you don't refer to me by my first name"She said as she crossed her arms,Jiro opens his mouth to speak but no words come from him.He huffs as his face grew red,he spins on his heel and stomp away.Mina let's out a frustrated sigh as she fixed her ponytail before grabbing a tray and placing a water bottled and beer on,two glasses with ice in and two straws on the sides.She walks over to the males and place the items down as she hold the tray infront of her lap,"I do apologize for earlier's interruption"Mina spoke.

The man in the suit only gave her a gentle smile,"No need to apologize it's nothing big"He spoke.Mina nods her head as she started to walk away before the other grabbed her wrist.She turns back to glare at him before she saw the curiosity behind his blue eyes,"I'm sorry but this is going to be eating at me.Are you by chance Mina Rakuyama?"He asked.Mina's eyes widen in realizing that he knew her name,she pulled her name away but held her ground,"How do you know my name?"She asked raising a eyebrow,he only smiled as his friend hid behind his hands "Never thought I'd see you again Mimi"He grinned,that's when it hit her.She lost grip of her tray before leaping forward to wrap her arms around his neck
"No way..."

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