Chapter 20

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"Is this the money bank you brag about"The man asked grinning at Budo.

Budo felt his heart drop to his feet as he stared at her.Raibaru looked over to Ayano and started to chuckle as she looked her up and down to see them holding hands,"No fucking way,this psycho from high school,your taste became quite terrible if I'm being honest "Raibaru said before breaking into a howling laugh,"Why?"Budo asked,Raibaru rolled her eyes as she leaned agasint the man,"Money,I always knew you weren't poor but after school I first understood how rich you actually are from your family buisness.You never flaunted it so I couldn't tell at first,but when I found out I knew I should use your old crush on me to my advantage"She said,Budo felt tears building up his in eyes.

"The gifts,trips,dinners,shopping trips.I wanted more,I wanted it all...even your body"She said stepping forward to place a hand in his chest,"But the more I got to know you,I got the know how fucking pathetic you actually are as a man,can't even stand up to mommy and to prude to fuck me without a ring on my finger"She snarled as she moved her hand up to harshly grab his chin,"I was honestly hoping to get you to ask me to marry you,I would have loved full access to that kind of money,but then I heard of the engagement.I knew I lost my shot,I but I still walked to milk you as long as I could before you finally got the balls to tell me"She said,shacking his head as he started cry,but trying hard to keep them in.Ayano staring wide eye to what was unfolding.Shocked to see the once nice sweet girl becoming so harsh and Budo crying.

She only smiled,"If you weren't such a joke,I won't have started seeing Horuto the first week we started seeing each other honestly, really disappointed me that first week.See he's a man.Knows how to please me,to speak his mind and...not a pussy"She said while giggling.Stopped shacking his head and dug her nails in his face ,"I'm sorry but if you were more of a man I wouldn't have felt the need to look somewhere else for physical pleasure"she grinned.

"I never once felt sorry about it tho,talking to you over text while he was fucking me.Calling off date nights so I could spend more time with him,lying being away so I don't have to think about you"Her grip becoming stronger,"Come on,punch me.I can sue you then"She said as she started again to shake his head around while chuckling as Budo had more tears slip down his face as he tried to pull away without hurting her.She's stronger then him still,she got her black belt in her first year in high school while Budo only got his in his last year,18 and getting black belt is young.Being 15 when she got hers is just a cause of raw talent and strength.She used her thumb nail to cut thought his skin and dig it more into the fresh wound.

Ayano huffed as she couldn't take it anymore and moved to grab her wrist,staring her dead in the eyes,"That's enough now"she said,Raibaru let go of his face.Red marks where her hands previously grabbed and clung onto,"Arent you adorable,thinking you could talk to me you whore,he's my plaything"She said moving her attention to Ayano,"What's wrong?Whats your deal even?You know he would easily give you money,just don't expect anything outside gifts and trips,he's useless otherwise"She asked leaning closer to Ayano,"I don't want to use him like a personal money bank,he's a human not your fucking wallet"She said looking at her disgusted,Budo moved to intervene but Horuto came up behind him and grabbed his arms and hooked them into his,"Now now,don't kill the fun between the woman"

"I thought you were still sweet like you were back then,but aren't you just a little bitch now"Ayano snapped back,Raibaru looked shocked a moment before laughing,"Arent you just a feisty little kitten pretending to be a big strong tigress" she said as she moved and grabbed Ayano's wrist.

"You think you stand a chance agasint me?"She asked using her free hand to push Ayano,Ayano frowned as she tried to pull her arm away,Raibaru smiled as her grip became stronger,"I know every single way there is to dislocate your arm,one wrong move and I can do it in a split second"She said showing Ayano clearly her hold her wrist.Ayano swore under her breath,"You fucking cunt"Ayano spit as she moved and lifted her leg and shot it down to hit Raibaru's knee.

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