Chapter 12

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Tension filling the air...
Atmosphere become slowly more uncomfortable...

Budo stared at her dumbfounded while Ayano did her best to look annoyed in hopes he'll go away.She changed her mind,she isn't ready to face her past just yet.A few seconds past and no one does anything,Ayano caved in and pushed past him to open the elevator to go up.He spanned back into reality as he walked up behind her,"I haven't seen you in look good,better"He spoke in a soft tone,both from being in shock and mesmerized by her.She looked over and shoulder and raised an eyebrow at him,"I wasn't pretty enough for mister top student in high school?"She snapped at him,she didn't like acting cruel like this but she couldn't see how other to push him away.

He gulped and nervously chuckled while his cheeks light up,"You...You were beautiful back then and still are"He responded looking up at her past his wet bangs,she locked eyes with him and he lost all confidence,"I just ment look healthier?,you are really just still so...woah tho"He said as he moved hands around,Ayano looked confused at him before huffing to look back at the elevator.It still haven't came down,Ayano moved away to take the stairs up.Budo followed close by,"I really like what you did with your hair,fits you a lot more"He said from a few steps behind as he kept his eyes away from her behind.

"Thanks"She said quick,she didn't want him here.She didn't want to see him,even less talk to him,"It's so funny that we ended up in the same building,like so crazy"He said while chuckling but stopped when he noticed Ayano staying silent.He then held his grip onto the side as he looked at her,he sighed and looked to the ground while pouting slightly to keep his emotions in,at least he tried but seem that her feelings haven't changed.

He slowly started to continue the stairs as he couldn't help but feel disappointed,after all this time and still everything is the same as they left it.Ayano glanced over her shoulder to look at Budo,she frowned as she saw the pained expression on his face.She never expected him to still have feelings for her after so long,wealthy and handsome,surely he's engaged,at the least dating.Why still be so fixated on her? As they continued to take the steps in silence Ayano glanced behind her to look at him,he screwed up her previous love he isn't going to mess around with her chance with Tomomi. The rest of the walk was silent until the third floor,Ayano stood by the door and looked back to Budo who was walking,not looking at her.

She took a deep breath,even tho she was denying her pull to him.She covered her mouth before anything could slip out from it.She turned to open the door and as she stepped forward her ankle gave in cause her to fall forward but held tightly onto the door as she took a beep breath from her body tensioning up.Budo to noticed of the sounds of the door loud cracking and heavy footsteps and looked behind him,he quickly jogged down the stairs towards her,"Aishi,you okay?What happened?"he asked in a panic as he stood behind her,she hugged against the door as she tried to stand on both feet and keep balance,"I'm fine,go"She hissed as she tried walking forward but quickly lost balance as she took a step forward.

Budo jumped into action to wrap his arms around her waist to pull her back into a standing pose,Her back lightly pressing against his chest,feel the coolness from his wet clothes radiate onto her back.Budo frowned,"You can barely walk.I know you still hate me but let me at least help you back to your place.I'll be out of your hair then,last time you'll ever need to speak to me"He said,hurt laced softly between his words.He stood and waited for her response until she grabbed one hand one of his hands to move,Budo was taking it as a sign to leave but Ayano grabbed his one arm and pulled him go walk forward.She moved to stand next to him with one hand hold around her waist.He quietly obeyed as he walked next to her to her apartment,internally shocking Budo that it's the same one as where Mina lives in.

Ayano used her free hand to grab her key and unlocking the door.She walked inside and leaned against the door frame,but not turning around once to face him.He nods as he starts to walk away,"I don't hate you,just keep that in mind"She said before closing the door quickly.

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