Chapter 34

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"And that's what you got from all that?"

Ayano asked shocked,Budo blinks before stepping towards her,"I'm sorry,that just came out of the blue that last bit"He said.Ayano sighs as she runs a hand through her drenched hair,looking up to Budo,"Can I use the bathroom in your room?"She asked,Budo nods as he pulls out his room card and holds it out to Ayano.She looks down to the card and back up to him,"You're coming with me.I don't trust that girl and whatever schemes she has planned so I'm not leaving you alone even if I'm slightly mad at you"She said grabbing his wrist and pulling him along.

Budo just silently following behind her,feeling guilt slowly rise within him.He was to caught up with work the last few days to see how much Ayano must have been worrying.Since Sho have been talking less of the case Budo thought maybe Ayano wouldn't have been so bothered by it anymore but clearly he has been proven wrong.And for only reacting on a simple comment of Ayano old crush on Taro,even as pity as it was it left a small sting in him.

But even so some things linked up.The day Ayano tried to jump off the roof was the same day Osana and Taro got together..did that set her off so badly that she was willing to kill herself over?Why was she so...crazy about him?And the abuse she went through was after she came back from the ward,before everything she didn't have much then the usual scratch of bruise on her skin but when she got out she completely changed.Was all this some how linked to each other,a chain reaction?

And how come she was outside covered in wine?No way she could have spilt it on herself like that,was someone with her outside before her got to her?An person came to mind,but he couldn't act until he was certain it was them unless he wanted to make his name fool for no cause.

He continued to stare at Ayano and thoughts ran wild around his mind. This new information was bubbling to what it could have been linked to in her past.So caught up in his mind he didn't notice they stood in-front of the door as Ayano was using the card to open it,"You have any spear clothing?"Ayano asked.Budo wlak and holds out the button shirt he wore from earlier,"I don't think the pants would fit you"He said.Ayano sighs as she takes the shirt with a soft thanks as she walks to the bathroom and closes the door.

Budo sat down on the bed as he removes his shoes and took off his blazer to rest in the bed in his turtleneck and dress pants.Staring up the ceiling,listening to the soft water running behind the closed door.He closed his eyes,hoping no one would take notice of him disappearing but if they do just leave him alone.He needs to find out why Ayano was drenched in wine outside of the verge of crying.As nearly 20 minutes go past Budo gave in and stood at the door,giving it a small knock,"Ayano...are you okay?"He asked resting against the door.The water hitting the tile haven't stopped since she went in.Budo leans onto the door to press his ear against to listen in.

Small whimpering coming through,Budo slowly pull open the door to see Ayano's bare back facing him hunched down,her hands grabbing onto her shoulders tightly.Shacking as her soft cries become more clear.Her clothing lost on the floor,she didn't even pay mind Budo entering the room.Budo felt himself get distracted for a moment before smacking himself into reality,Ayano is hurt and he needs to comfort her nothing else.He slowly pulled off his sweater along his dress pants and fold them and place on the sink as he steps into the shower,crouching behind Ayano.Finding balance with resting his knee agaisnt the tile as he leans over her and wrap his arms around her shoulders,keeps his eyes shut tightly.

He didn't want this to come across wrong,he wanted to provide her comfort.Nothing more.Ayano's grip on her shoulders soften as her jerking body became calm,"Are you get something out of this,Masuyama"Ayano spoke up.Budo shakes his head,"I was being insensitive earlier.Clearly in a form of distress and I chose to only focus on something stupid from the past,I wanted to apologize but you weren't coming out so I came to check up on you"He responded,Ayano hums as she melts back into his touch.

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