Chapter 5-Saturday-

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A Saturday morning.

A week before mid term exams.Ayano sighed as she looked down at her text book and close it,it's been a month since Mina got the truth from Ayano.Ayano tried to keep Mina away from her,to avoid her for Mina's safety,likewise in a sense Mina kept trying to befriend Ayano in secrecy from Budo in worry that it could possibly put a strain on their relationship.

Oneday Ayano gave in to have lunch with her,Mina smiled at her as she share her pineapple candy she brought with the day,that dag was the start to their actual friendship.But the thought of her mother knowing of Mina,that worried her that it was weak spot she won't be scared to use against her.Using friends to get to someone can hurt more then actual physical torture cause one would know its their fault their friends are suffering.

Ayano runs her hands over her face as she let out an frustrated huff as she held the book ready to throw it,with the time she was gone she got behind in her math and wasn't understand the new work.She grumbles as she roughly place it down on her desk as she stood up to lay on her bed,maybe she could ask mother if she could visit Mina to get caught up with her math.

She noticed Mina is doing well in it but how to ask?She couldn't let her think it was for something else.She stared up to the ceiling,mustering all courage she could to be all down stairs and ask if she could go.She has been following each rule her mother gave her by heart,going with her training as an obedient puppy so maybe she can have a small gap.

She rolled over and grab the Boba plush and placed a quick kiss on it before she jumped off her bed and fixed her bottom up shit before walking downstairs,heart beating heavy in her chest,hands sweating.She turned to corner to walk to the kitchen to see her mother chopping vegetables skilfully.Maybe to show off how she has mastered the art of a knife.

"Anything you need darling?"Ryoba asked,not moving away from chopping,Ayano swallowed her fear and spoke,"I've been falling behind with my math lately,I know a student-"Ryoba held her hand up with the knife in it.

"The Mina girl,correct?The one in green that has been walking with you to school?

"Ryoba asked looking back at Ayano with a smile,Ayano froze a moment before shaking her head,"It's an other girl from a year up,they've offered before to help me and I was wondering if I could go and get some help today"Ayano spoke,she slightly played aroudn with her fingers watching her mother's body language.The air thick with tension.

Ryoba hums with a smile,"Why are you so worried about your marks,darling?Are you sure that's the real reason you want to be out the house?"Ryoba asked with a warm smile,"I don't want my next soulmate to be disappointed with how I did in high school,I'm scared he'll reject me if he found out I failed a subject previously,I don't want him to be disappointed in me"Ayano spoke in a soft tone with hints of sadness.Ryoba gasped before giggling"Oh dear,you are correct.I give you permission to be out,be back before sunset.I was anyways planning on having a old friend over the afternoon"Ryoba said with a smile and she continued to chop the food.Ayano nods as she walks up to her room again,letting out an relieved sigh as she fell onto her bed.Wondering to what friend she was revering to but even so thinking of how she knew of Mina,that was close.

Ayano closed her door to pack a bag and send a message to Mina that's she's coming over,she pushed in her math books and a pencil case before grabbing her slip ons and placing them next to her bag.She walked to her mirror to see if her hair is okay,she mimicked her mothers low ponytail to hide the marks and stay out her face.She unroll her sleeves to hide her arms and nods in approval with no marks visible.She grabs her bag and shoes as she made her way outside the house,a quick goodbye before closing the door,she honestly didn't think it would work.She smiled to herself as she put on the shoes before walking down the street to the next neighborhood.

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