Chapter 19

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(A/N I just want to say thank you to ever single one of you that reads this,never expect something of my creation to be first in anything and even if it's something so simple or stupid I do appreciate it so fucking much <3 )

Sho and Mina playfully push and shoved each other in the back seat while watching something on Sho's phone,passing the time.Budo sitting in a daze,leaning against the window in the passenger seat.Kokoro humming along to the song on the radio.Ayano sitting in back next to Sho,she kept looking outside but stealing a quick glance or two towards Budo when she thought no one would see.He honestly didn't seem sick,just off.By now he should have had been joking and chatting with Mina and Sho but silence.

Ayano frowned softly looking out the window to the passing lights and bodies,being in the middle of the city in night was far different from the day time.Much more colorful light and buzzing with excitement and live from the people walking around.Ayano let out a soft sigh before Kokoro cleared her throat and turned down the radio to get everyone's attention,"I'm so sorry to break the lovely conversation about fish porn in the back,but I would like to arrange our buddy system now before we get there"She said,"It's not fish porn,it's biology"Sho said putting his phone away with a faint blush while Mina shamefully giggled.

"I've been to clubs quite regularly,there's always some kind of disgusting pervert that will try stuff with females each time,even to me.So thus that's why I invited the guys along,to keep the ladies safe from creeps like that so the night can be enjoyed to the fullest hopefully you all,fun and safe"Kokoro said stopping by a red light,"We will probably spent most of the night in a group but when we do split just so I know everyone will be safe,whenever it's with watching drinks or waiting outside the bathroom if something happens.Clubs are fun but dangerous when you alone ladies,sadly"

"I see already that Mina and Sho are stuck by the hip so they will be paired up,I will be with my darling,so that leaves Ayano and Budo to be buddies"She said with a smile,Ayano sighed as she leaned into her seat down,leaning her head forward to use her hair to hide her face from the rest with the blush creeping onto her cheeks.Same moment Budo looks into the mirror to see Ayano with her arms crossed and facing the window,her face hidden before looking out his own window,she looks mad...the one time he hoped work would have some kind of problem so he could find a real excuse to not go along.

Kokoro pulled up to the club,Ayano taking off her jacket and leaving it on her seat,"Arent you going to get cold?",Mina asked,Ayano shook her head,"I rather get cold then carry around a jacket the night"She said stepped out of the car.Mina slide out with Sho following.The three started to walk to greet Hojiro,Budo took of his jacket to feel a hand on his arm,Kokoro looking at him,"There's something up between you and Ayano"She said,Budo's eyes widen a split second before let out a chuckle,"Impossible"He said,Kokoro rolled her eyes,"Dont play stupid,I don't know what it is,but it's something.Don't be a dumbass tonight"She said then stepping out the car.Budo say confused in his seat before shacking his head and climbing out and joining the rest,he looked towards Ayano who had Mina leaning against her giggling at the current conversation.

'She's toying with you'
'Don't be a dumbass tonight'

The words replaying through his mind as he kept looking at Ayano,tonight...keeping himself to not fall in deeper was going to be a hard thing to stay by.Kokoro smiled at  him then clicked her fingers,"Follow me,we won't be waiting in the line"She said as Hojiro wrapped a arm around her waist as everyone started to walk to the entrance.The bouncer look at Kokoro,she removed her glasses for one look and he stepped pass allowing them inside.Mina walked closer to her,"How?"Kokoro giggled,"Being both popular model and modeling agent has it perks"She said.The tunnel leaning into the stomach of the beast flashed colorful,bright lights along the floor,illuminating the path.Music becoming loud with each step down,the beat vibrating through their bodies.The last step down and walking through open current revealing a sea of sweating dancing bodies,the air drowning in alcohol and zest,"Let the night be unforgettable"

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