Chapter 3-Good little girl-

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Budo and Sho arrived at the martial arts club,Sho stood by the door checking his phone as Budo inspected the room.Nothing seemed to be out of place,besides a paper stuck against one of the walls with the words,"You are playing with fire" Budo frowned as he grabbed the paper and tore it up and pushing it into his blazer pocket to throw away later.He has seen much worse around the school to confuse him,a stupid threat note isn't going to bother him much.

He walked up to Sho and push him softly to grab his attention,"Mina is probably in class,we can go say hi real quick" Budo suggested,Sho pouted as he gave one last glance to his phone before putting it away.Budo frowned,"Whats on your phone that's so interesting that you aren't rushing to see Mina?"He teased,Sho grins"It's a girl"Budo looked shocked,"You are actually talking to people besides the three of us?Thats a miracle"Budo teased as Sho chuckles,looking to the side.

"What can I say,a guy gotta look for other options when the one you want of off limits"Budo only hums in agreement as he wraps his arm around his shoulder as they started to walk.

As the males walked down the hallway they started to notice the whispers amongst the student,"Are they talking about the weird pranks around school?"Budo asked Sho,"No,it's about a student but I'm not completely sure,we can ask Musume before class"Sho spoke as they turned the corner to Mina's class.

They walked into the open door to see Mina sitting by a black haired girl.Sho looked confused at the girl,"Is that Horuda?I thought she was a first year" Sho asked Budo,he shrugged as they walked up to the two girls.Mina looked up to notice the two males,she smiled at them before it faded for a moment,"Mimi,mind introducing us to your friend?"Sho asked walking past Budo and rested a hand on Mina's chair to lean over her.

Trying to get a look of the girl's face but she hid behind her hair."I don't think so,dumbass"She spoke looking up at Sho as she pushed him away and stood up.As the two started to banter with each other Budo noticed her bruised knuckles,they looked raw.

As she tried to hide her hand with pulling her sleeve down Budo walked to the front of her desk and bend down to be at a better eye level with the girl"I'm sorry but can I ask why are you knuckles so bruised?"He asked looking down at the girl,she cleared her throat and kept her head low,using her hair to hide behind her bangs from his view.Budo sighs as he pulls a smile on his face,"If it's from sports I know a fantastic method to keep your"

His sentence came to a stop as he made eye contact with the light gray eyes of the girl as she moved her hair slightly to look at him"Ayano?"He asked,she sighed and completely lifted her head to look at him.

He was baffled to see her,even more to see her new appearance.He has never seen her with loose hair before,a blush was creeping into his cheeks but he quickly shook his head to stand up and gently grab her hand to pull her out the classroom.He needed to talk to her and not with Sho and Mina to hear.

He pulled her into the small hallway to the bathrooms and trap her between his arms,shielding her from possible watchers but this time of morning students are busy to pay attention to them.He looked down at her as the blush won over him,but he couldnt help but feel it was wrong.Her eyes seem more drained then before,no spark behind them like before,even dark bags under he eyes but it didn't take away from the beauty of her eyes as shameful it is to admit.

He studied her more downwards and noticed the healing wound on her neck.He frowned and looked back at he lifted a hand to gently move her collar to look at the wound,"When did you get out,how are you doing?"He asked as he examined the wound,these were the easier questions to him to be answered.She looked to the ground.Ayano pulled his hand away from her collar and move her hair to hide the wound from his view and crossed her arms before looking quickly down the hallway ,"Awhile ago...I've been better"She spoke glancing quickly up to him.

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