Chapter 23

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Sho looked around nervously with a thin smile on his face looking around the room.Ayano sitting in the corner of the couch,keeping her eyes down while moving her beer hand to hand.Mina sitting bundled up,growing softly as she stared to the ground,Budo sitting on the bean bag with a glass in hand.The air thick,no one speaking a word,quiet besides from the happy humming coming from the kitchen along with the faint sound of water boiling.She walked toward them from the kitchen with tea cups in hand,her curly hair draping over her shoulders,"I'll bring the tea pot just now"She said with a sweet smile and she placed the tea cups on the table,placing a quick kiss on Sho's cheek before walking to get the tea pot.

Mina rolled her eyes and she moved her head to face Ayano,Ayano looking back to her,Mina's eyes pleading for Ayano to do something.Ayano looked up and cleared her throat,"Just saying we'll stay for one cup.We both have work tomorrow"She said,Budo looked up to Ayano while Sho nods slowly with a stiff smile,"I understand that,Supuna just insisted to see you guys tonight,again"He said,Supuna came walking back with the tea pot in hand with a large smile.She looked over between Ayano and Mina as she poured the tea,"I just really love spending time with My boyfriends friends"She said,"I know we weren't close in high school but I would love to change that now"She said with a sly smile.

She placed the tea pot down and smiled over to Mina,"Especially Mina,I think we can be wonderful friends if you weren't so stuck up"She said as She handed Sho his cup and sitting in his lap,kissing him again,Mina mumbling under her breath.Supuna looked back over to Mina and smiled while she tilted her head slightly,"Something to say?"She asked,all eyes between them.Mina froze up for a moment locking eyes with her before looking away,"Nothing"she said softly.Ayano chewed the inside of her cheek when she let out a sigh,"I'm so so sorry for the rude interruption but Kokoro needs our help,as soon as possible"She said standing up,she held out a hand to Mina for her to take.

Mina gave Ayano a quick relief smiled as she took her hand and stood up,Ayano glanced to Budo who was watching her,she couldn't read what he was feeling but still felt a sting in her chest from thinking about what happened the previous weekend.The last few nights forced into each other's company wasn't helping much to give each other space.Ayano slowly started to push Mina to walk,Mina started to put her shoes on as Ayano gave everyone a last smile,"Thank you all for the lovely evening"She said with a small wave as she quickly grabbed her shoes and pushed Mina out and closed the door.

As they started to walk to the elevator Mina looked at Ayano gratefully,"I owe you like mega big time"She said grabbing Ayano's arm and resting her head on her shoulder.Ayano chuckled softly,"I was also not feeling it to be there again the whole night"She said.Mina hummed,"I don't understand her.Five nights,back to back hang outs"Mina spoke,Ayano nods,"No I do agree with that part,but maybe she feels lonely as the only female in the apartment?"Ayano mentioned,Mina press her lips into a thin line as she look to Ayano,"They why is she like targeting me,each night she finds multiple ways to fucking insult me or just like...threaten me?I don't know but it feels like she's picking on me on purpose"She whinnied.

Ayano moved a hand to pat her head,"Maybe she is threatened by you?You know Sho personally much longer then her,and girls are always suspicious of female friends of their boyfriend's "Ayano spoke,Mina rolled her eyes,"But she's a bit harsh on that"She said pouting,Ayano smile at Mina as she unlocked their apartment door,"Go sleep,work or not you seem tired"Ayano said as she placed her shoes down.Mina flashed a last smile to Ayano as she disappeared into her room.Ayano stood walked to her own bedroom and pushed her door slightly closed as she opened her closet to smile at the mini fridge.

Taking a beer and sitting on her bed.Staring up the the ceiling her mind wondered over to Budo and Tomomi.Tomomi still haven't answered her calls or messages,only thing she has gotten the past two weeks was a short message saying their to busy currently with family issues to talk.Ayano didn't push the subject but felt it was odd to tel her after so long.

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