Chapter 10

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Mina sighed as she tied her hair back while looking into the bathroom mirror,"How are you going to break the news to Jiro that he has new competition"Ayano joked leaning against the door frame.Mina rolled her eyes while smiling,"Har har,very funny.There's nothing going on between me and Sho"Mina responded as she fixed her ponytail,Ayano hums,"Alight then"She said before turning and walking out.Mina pouted and follow her closely,"Hey,don't leave me alone"She said hugging Ayano from behind,Ayano chuckled,"If anything you'll leave me rather then me leaving you"Ayano said,Mina shook her head.

"So then that's never happening"Mina said petting Ayano's head and walking past to check if she packed what she'll need for work in her backpack with her text books to study in her spare time.Ayano zips up her hoodie and play with the strings while watching Mina,"Tomomi called me last night"Ayano said,Mina perked up and look at Ayano with a smile,"Did they call you for a date?"Mina asked excitedly,Ayano nods with a faint blush,"Actually yeah,but I don't want them to see me like this with a black eye so I asked if we could reschedule even if it was our two year anniversary" Ayano responded as she nervously played with her strings,Mina frowns.

Mina walked up to Ayano and placed her hands on her shoulders,"I'm proud of you getting over your fear of intimacy.And if they aren't the one,you'll atleast learn something for your next relationship"Mina said,Ayano giggles and nods,"Yeah,but I'm not sure where we stand.We go on dates and hang out but never agreed to be dating so I'm confused there.I don't mind either way what we are tho"Ayano responded as she changed her shoes,Mina hummed grabbing her bag,"No matter what you are getting a taste of a normal relationship,so that counts as something"Mina said placing her slippers on the rack then walking out as Ayano locked the door and placed her keys in her back pocket.

"You're probably right"She said,"So what's your plans for today?"Mina asked as they stepped into the elevator,Ayano rubs her chin,"I'll probably do some binge watching,you're not much of a horror fan so I'll spare you that"Ayano said,Mina pout at her while crossing her arms,"Not my fault I'm a action fan"Mina responded.Ayano giggled,"Yeah I know don't worry"

The two continued to chatter as the reached the outside outside of the building noticing boxes outside,"More new neighbors?This place is going to be over crowded oneday"Ayano said,Mina shake her head as they walked together to the corner,"I really need to get going or I'll be late.See you tonight"Mina said as she opened her umbrella and started to walk towards her workplace after waving quickly at Ayano.Ayano turned around and walked back to look at the boxes as she pulled her hood up,it's drizzling.

Ayano looked around to see who the owners could be but nobody was coming to gather the boxes.Ayano frowned as she start to carry the boxes into the building for in case the weather becomes worse.She carried in the last box and sighed,ignoring the slight sting in her ankle crossing her arms.She looked around in hopes to find the owners of the boxes, luckily a young male wearing a dark-gray blue hoodie and a cap came walking up to where the boxes were and looked around confused.Ayano stepped towards the door and started to talk,"If those boxes were yours their inside now"She said,the male looked up with curios blue eyes,he smiled at her as he walked in,"I'm so sorry,you didn't have to"He said bowing.

Ayano huffs and shakes her head,"I have nothing better to do with my time.Need to make a decent impression on my new neighbors"She said resting her hands on her hoodie pockets.He looked back up at her as he held a few boxes in his arms,"I can offer you some tea at my place?I would have liked to stick you out for brunch but you've probably eaten already"She only shakes her head,"Tea will be just fine"she said picked up a few boxes to and placing them in the elevator.He removed his cap and ruffled his hair to get rid of the hat hair.Mina would like him,they having a matching energy.

Ayano sighed as she sat down on the couch as she rubbed her ankle,cold weather always makes it worse.The male walked towards her and she happily took the tea,she took it up to her nose out of habit the smell it,she looked shocked at it,"Is this rose tea?"She asked,the man nodded,"Yeah.If you don't like it I can make you an other type,my roommate has like a whole box full of different tea flavors" he spoke looking considering,she nods her head,"No,no need for that.I'm just surprised a guy actually likes rose tea,a lot of people say it's a feminine tea"Ayano said taking a sip.His eye brows not,"People actually associate genders to tea?Fuck,and I thought it couldn't become worse with that crap"He said chuckling as he rested more into the couch,silence as the rain outside poured.

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