Chapter 29

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(I do apologize for the much slower updates,senior year in high school has proven to keep one quite busy and tired,so has been hard for my mind to type.Thank you all for your patience :,) )

Budo's eyes slowly flutter open as he sat up and stretched his arms up,a soft whimper.His eyes shot down to take noticed of Ayano moving as she rubbed her eyes.He looked at her with a growing smile as he moved closer to her,scooping his arms under hers and holding her as he rest his face in the crook of her neck.Ayano sat confused and blushed for the sudden action but melts into his touch and place her hands on his back,"I didn't think you'll wake up"Budo mumbled,Ayano smile softly,"It'll take much more then that to get ride of me sadly"Ayano joked.

Budo chuckled softly as he pulled away and Ayano held a soft grip on his arms so he wouldn't move away to far.She looked up to him,"How long was I out?"Ayano asked,"4 days technically"Budo responded with half a smile,Ayano hummed before pulling him closer to her.Budo followed along not wanting her to struggle in her weak state.Ayano placed a hand on his cheek and ran it over the newest scar on his skin,"This wasn't there before,what happened?"She asked,keeping her eyes focused on the scar.Budo started to blushed as he looked away to avoid any possible eye contact,"Tomomi and I got into a small fight"He responded softly.Ayano froze up before moving to try and meet his eyes,"You were trying to safe me,weren't you?"She asked,Budo only sheepishly nods.

She immediately pulled her hands away and around herself as she moved to sit back into the bed,"This is the second time you got hurt trying to safe me,please stop it"She spoke up,but she kept her face in the opposite direction Budo stood in.Budo only frowned,"You know I'm not going to listen to that,I can't wait and see what happens when I know you're in danger"Budo immediately responded as he sat on her bed and reached to take her hands,"I'll die to protect you"He said and placed a soft kiss on her palms as he made her cup his face.

Budo closed his eyes,"I don't want more blood in my hands,Masuta"Ayano said as she sat closer to him as she pulled his face closer to hers,Budo looked at her confused.She pulled her lips into a thin smile as she pressed her forehead against his,their noses ever so slightly brushing against each other,"Please,let this be the last time you get hurt for my cause"Ayano spoke softly,just above a whisper.Budo bit his bottom lip,deciding to rather not respond.

Ayano sighed as she pulled away,holding eye contact with Budo.As they both looked at each other in silence Suzuki walked in and let out a surprised gasp, Ayano looked over to her and smiled.Suzuki quickly talked into her radio and stepped over to Ayano,"I didn't expect you to be awake so fast,I must say I'm so happy to see you seem to be doing well for the time you were out"Suzuki spoke happily,before letting out a soft chuckle,"But this poor guy wouldn't leave your side for more then 10 minutes,but nevertheless it was cute"She giggled louder and stepped over to check her vitals,Ayano hummed as she completely move away from Budo and tried her best to avoid all eye contact as Budo sat back in the chair.

Suzuki hummed as she glanced up and down from her clipboard before looking at Ayano,"I'll inform the doctors that you're awake,but you seem in a good enough state to leave tomorrow"She smiled.Ayano gave her a small smile and nod.Suzuki looked over to Budo before walking out,silence filled the room.Budo swallowed heavily while Ayano picked at her fingers,"Why are you still here?"Ayano asked softly,Budo looked at her confused.Ayano pers her lips into a thin line of concer,"Why didnt you leave me alone here,I would have been fine.You have a job,a life to stay with..."Ayano glanced away with a faint blush,"Why did you stay with me?"

Budo looked at her dumbfound before blushing brightly,"I..."As the word started to leave his mouth they disappeared into thin air,he looks to the floor,"Tomomi...they said something that really...stuck with me,made me scared"Budo softly admitted.Ayano looks at him shocked and panicked,"Tomomi?What did they tell you?"She asked leaning closer to him,Budo moved back in response,"It-It's something really stupid,don't worry about it"Budo said nervously laughing until Ayano crawled over the bed to look at him face to face,"Tell me"She muttered slowly.

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