Chapter 21

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Ayano pulled away took look at him more carefully,Budo gave her a weak smile,"I..."he stood ar a lost for words what was happening before him.He sighed and leaned forward and rest his forehead back against hers while chuckling,but his conversation between him and Tomomi came into mind.He pulled back as he cupped her face,"Is this a game to you?Am I a game to you?"Budo asked softly,scared to what the answer could possibly be.

Ayano frowned at him as she shook her head,she took her hands up to hold his,"I don't like games"She said smiling at him,he only weakly smiled at her,"But we should rather not,you're dating Tomomi..."He said,even holding anger towards them he couldn't cause Ayano to cheat on them.Ayano's smiled faded as she shook her head and stepped away,"My apologizes,I may have drank more then I thought"She said with an embarrassed smile,but her eyes holding hints of disappointment and sadness in them.

Budo stood up,"It's not that I don't want you,god I still like you,like a lot a lot"He said stepping towards her and placing his hands on her shoulders,"I just..."He just his mouth thinking carefully what to say next,Ayano raised an eyebrow,"Just?"She said,hoping to would make him finish the sentence faster,"I don't want to..."He froze up again as he looked away from her,Ayano moved and placed a hand on his cheek,"Carry on"She spoke in a soft whisper,he only chuckled softly,"I'm scared to get more attached to someone I know I can't have.I'm to be wed in a couple of months and you are already seeing's going to be a loose loose situation"He said.

Ayano hums in response,"I understand the troubles there.But I want you and you want me,what if we just..."Ayano started to trail off her suggestion as she looked to the side with blushing ears when Budo's face turned into a bright red,"Get it out of our systems?"he finished.Ayano kept her face to the side but looked at him from the corner of her eyes,"Only if you are fine it,I won't make you"She said.Budo looked shocked at her as he started to tumble over his words.

"I-I,are you sure you would be okay with it?I mean you are dating someone you seem serious about and I thought you didn't like me all that much to begin with so this is so sudden and I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest from both fear and excitement"Budo continued to fable over his thoughts and words in a flustered daze while Ayano only started to giggle to see him so red and nervously ranting.She stepped closer to him and cupped his face from both side and made him look to her,"I know what I'm risking,I'm doing this of my own free will"She said as she took another step closer,pressing her body against his.

"One night"
"One night to get it out of ours systems"
"One night to forget about everything outside this apartment"
"One's all this will be,after this we can forget about everything that happened here"

Steam coming from his face from the burning blush on his face,"I...I'd like that"He whimpered as he let his head fall,Ayano giggled as she moved her hands to his back,"We can go as far as you want and stop any time.Give me a code word and I'll stop immediately"She said scratching down his back,feeling his shiver and he grabbed onto her arms,"Panda"He whispered,Ayano couldn't help but laugh,"Even in moments like this you are adorable"She responded as she moved to take his hands,"Let's rather take this to the bedroom"She said pulling them out of the bathroom,"I'll finish cleaning your wounds later"She flashed a quick smile at him.

Budo felt his heart dashing mile by mile each second passing ,was he really willing to abandon his personal moral he held strong by for years for this,yes.For Ayano anytime.He would be lying saying he never once thought of being so intimate with her before,some nights the only thing he could think about as shameful as it is.Ayano pulled him closer to the bed and grab his shoulders and force him down to sit,Budo looking back up to her with large curios eyes.She smirked as she placed a hand on his chest and pushed him down to lay on the bed as she hovered over him with a leg rest on the bed and a arm.Using her free one to caress his face, as she moved down to place pepper kisses on his neck as she slide her hand down his tense muscles.

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