Chapter 16

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Sho started to rub his eyes as he slowly came into reality,his room still dark with a dim light from the laptop. He slowly turned his head to see Mina still sleeping peacefully on his chest,but feeling a small wet spot.He only chuckled under his breath as he ran a hand through her hair with a small smile.The drool did scare him the first few times but learn to see it as a sign that she's comfortable around him.He continued to play with her hair,she groaned softly and turn to face the other side,to face him.Sho pulled his hand away,scared to wake her.Giving her a few seconds to go back into her slumber before moving his hand to caress her cheek with his knuckles.It's silent besides her softly breath,her lips slightly parted with flushed cheeks.

He pouted to himself as he slowly removed her arms of him and replaced a pillow under her head.Pulling the blanket down,quickly crawling over her and recover her as he walked out.Closing his door,Budo walked out his room,his hoodie pushed up the rub his stomach."Had fun?"Budo asked in a teasing tone moving his hand away from him and into his pocket,Sho only frowned at him as his face heated up,"It's not what you think it is.She was tired and we were watching a movie"Sho said as both walked towards the kitchen,"I know you guys loved to cuddle.I once got into your gallery"Budo started to speak while filled the tea pot,Sho looked at him with slight fear.

"A whole folder dedicated to photos of Mina sleeping,I must say you thought I was bad?You were down much worse"Budo joked,Sho only frowned and crossed his arms,"It was for blackmail"He answered.Budo only looked at him and flashed a smile before continuing making tea.Sho only stuck his tongue out to him as he walked away to sit on their couch,Budo following behind by a minute or two.Sho took the cup and blew into it as Budo sat down,"So anything new with Supuna?"He asked,Sho nods,"Yeah,her family visit ended like last week,she visiting a friend somewhere in the next few weeks in the area,said she'll come visit then"He said,Budo hums,"Going to break it of then?"He asked.

Sho nodded keeping his eyes on the steaming tea,"I like..liked Supuna a lot but,I've got an opportunity I can't miss out on this time round"He said,"I'm probably being selfish,but fuck it.I've waited so long and lost hope,this is like a second chance"He said with a faint smile,a light blush on his cheeks.Budo only smiled at him,"If you play your cards right,anything can work out"He said drinking his tea.A hour of chatting later Mina walked out of the room,rubbing her eye,"How late is it even?"She asked with a scratchy voice,Sho smiled at her while Budo moved off the couch and went to the kitchen,"It's like 7 now"He said,Mina nods as she sits down next to him.

She moved to rest her head against his shoulder,he only pat her head as she continued to yawn,"Slept well?"He asked,she nods,"Best sleep in the past month easily"She spoke using her hand.Sho only chuckled playing with her hair,it's tangled.Budo walked in handing the cup to Mina,Mina took the cup and immediately started to drink.Mina moved a bit as Sho started to detangle her hair.Budo only gave him a smug look at he moved the bean bag to sit closer to them.

Mina sat crossed leg as she continued to drink the tea as Sho smiled to himself as he fixed her hair,Budo keeping a smug look plastered on his face.Sho looked at Budo,as he wiggled his eye brows teasingly at him,Sho whispered him a swear before looking back at Mina who was still quietly enjoy the warm beverage,"Any plans for today?"Budo asked,Mina shook her head,"That's why I'm here,have nothing better to do"She spoke,Budo nods,"Ayano working overtime again?"He asked,Mina nods"Yeah,it's extra busy on weekend.A lot of drunk people and stupid accidents"She said,being more awake now.Budo nods,"The weather looks pretty nice today,maybe we could go to the park?I saw there was a lil smoothie shop that opened up close by we could check out along with"He suggested,Mina turned to face Sho,"Yeah,it sounds pretty fun"Sho answered looking at Budo.He nods as he stood up,"Okay,everyone get dressed and meet up in half a hour at front?"

Mina nods as she stood up,she ran a hand through her hair and held a shocked expression,"You got them all out?You do a better job then my hair brush"Mina joked as she walked to the kitchen to place the cup in their sink,Sho followed with while Budo moved to go shower.Mina peeked over his shoulder to make sure Budo wasn't in sight.She stood on her toes as she leaned to place a kiss on his cheek,"Thanks for making me sleeping here"She whispered with a shy smile but holding eye contact and Sho looked at her from the corner of his eyes.She gave him a quick wink as she grabbed her shoes and walked out.Sho stood froze,a bright blush on his cheeks and ears with a proud smile,"Just friends~"Budo sung as he closed the bathroom door.Sho only threw a quick finger to the bathroom before walking into his room to look for clothing to wear.His heart still fluttering.

Mina hummed as she drank a kiwi wasabi smoothie,sitting by the body of water on a small dock.Her feet swaying in the water,Sho sat next to her,mimicking her movements as he watched a school of fish swimming around.Budo was away on a call,Mina looked up to the sky."So the smoothie was a good spot"Sho said with his tropical mango smoothie in his lap,Mina nods,"I'm totally going to stick Ayano to it whenever she's not busy.I think she'll like it a lot"She said,Sho hums acknowledging what she said as he moved his eyes to admire her.She wore a light brown cardigan,white blouse with a pastel green plaid skirt.Her hair pulled back into neat pony tail,her bangs still framing her face.

The two sat in silence watching the fish,Mina placed her hand next to herself on the ground,Sho glanced towards her hand as he mustered the courage to hold hers.He clenched his hand with a sigh and placed next to Mina,using his pinky to test the water.Mina took noticed of the movement and looked down at her hand and Sho's,he took it as a sign to pull back but as he did Mina grabbed his hand and held onto it,"You don't have to be scared to hold my hand,mister detective"Mina teased,Sho only chuckled softly. "But isn't it weird?"Sho asked softly,Mina only cooked a eyebrow at his question,"Hand holding can be completely platonic,plus wouldn't have thought holding hands would be so different then cuddling"Mina said moving closer to him and resting her head on his shoulder.

Budo stood outside the hidden area sighing deeply,one of his colleagues accidentally spilled coffee over their laptop that held his work for a case in the following week and nagging Budo to come and help him if they could salvage the laptop in a way since he didn't make backups.He looked at the mixed berry smoothie in his hand with a frown,"I can't believe how stupid people can be,I mean I'm not better seeing how I still feel about Ayano.But I can atleast not spill my drinks on crap or atleast have back ups for crap"Budo mutter to himself as he pushed through the overgrown trees and a few bushes,following a small pathway to the area.

"There's a work problem,I'll have to drop you guys early"He said coming up behind the two,both looked at him and frowned,"How long?"Mina asked,"Fuck knows,someone fucked up their laptop and didn't make backup.I need to go and see how to help and safe the work"Budo said holding his smoothie out to Sho,"You'll enjoy that more then me"he said,Sho took the cup.Budo placed a hand on each of their heads,ruffling up their hair before walking away with a cheesy smile while Mina swore at him as she tried to fix her hair.

She then looked over to Sho,"Detectives also have to go through police academy,right?"She asked,Sho nods,"Basically yeah"He responded.Mina smiled happily at him and she started to flash puppy eyes at him,Sho only frowned back at her as he laid back onto the dock,hiding his face in his elbow,"I don't want to study"He muttered,"Come on,just for today since Budo is going to be busy.I'll feel a lot les worried if you help me"Mina spoked,pulling down his shirt that was pulling up,"Seriously,just once"She asked in a softer tone,Sho looked at her quickly as he let out a dreadful sigh,"Once"He said pulling himself up,Mina flashed a bright smile at him before leaning forward to place a kiss on his cheek,"Thank you,now let's gets going"She said standing up and shaking her feet dry.

Sho only looked up at her and smiled softly,'One day'

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