Chapter 2-Fear-

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Months has passed.

Ryoba sat in the office of Ayano's doctor,waiting to get permission to take her home.The room is quiet besides a few voices heard from the other sides of the door.

Nothing far from a regular office,white walls with floral patterns of Amsonias across the walls.Pens and files around his desk,hands folded.

The tension thick,even harder to breath in.The aura surrounding her is enough to smother.The doctor adjust his glasses as he clears his throat and take out her file to read.His eyes moving from her to the file,"She has show improvement with her hallucinations,for two weeks haven't seen anything of the sorts"

"Also her violent behavior stopped,roughly around the same time aswell.She will be able to be released tomorrow but you must make sure she takes her medication everyday"doctor said as he placed her file down on his desk while he pushed his glasses back up to look back at her.Studying her body language but Ryoba knew this game much better then he ever could.She crooked her head slightly to the left with her eyes narrowing to mimic him.

" don't mind me asking,does you family have a history of any mental illnesses by any chance?"he asked leaning forward on his arms.

She only glared at him for a split moment before smiling again,"I never experienced anything before,cant recall that stuff like this happened to past relatives either.Maybe with the recent deaths around the school got to her"Ryoba spoke in her overly happy tone,he clears his throat and move back into his seat,"Could be a possibility,death can react on different depending on the person.But if anything is reported again with her involved,she will be taken back in and there will be charges pressed against  you,ma'am"

Ryoba only nods keeping her sweet,yet unsettling smile,"Of course doctor.Don't worry I will be taking much better care of her.We wouldn't want a repeat of this"Ryoba nodded.An uncomfortable silence fell upon the room,Ryoba stood up the smoothen out her pencil skirt before bowing as he stood up as well and held out his hand to shake hers.

She happily took his hand and placed her free hand as well over his as she shook it with a wide smile"Thank you for helping my daughter,I am so grateful"As then she quickly let go of his hand,"I'll be picking her up tomorrow"

Ryoba walked out of the office and pull it a small container of hand sanitizer and immediately start to clean her hands with harsh rubbing till her hands were a shade of pink,as she scoffs before giggling softly as she looks down to her hands,"Ayano, my dearest only child.Why did you do this to me?"

Ayano sat in her room,white walls with white curtains and white bedding.White to calm the mind.She sat crossed legs across the plush that was brought to her as a gift after their visit the previous month.She still couldn't wrap her head around it.

It was an boba themed plush,very simple idea,it was a bit of a struggle to keep it but after it was approved to not have anything dangerous in it she was allowed to keep it in her room.He was really the only one that visited her the months she spent in the ward.The only person that didn't seem ashamed to see her in a place like this.To see her in this state.Amai called a few times but it didn't hold the same impact.Amai was pulling away,in fear of how the student body would treat her for her friendship with her already damaged reputation.

Her hair hung loose off her back,freshly washed.She pulled her knees up to her chest and rest her chin on them,not taking her eyes of the plush.She grew an attachment to it,she didn't understand why,even less why Budo still came to regularly visit her and even said good bye properly before the final term because he wanted to spend his free time studying for the end year exams.

She remembers from their chats when they suck off to the gymnasium of the pressure he was under from his mother,the way she would scold him endless for any mistake or when something of him didn't live up to what she wanted from him.On a level Ayano could relate to wanting to live up to what her mother wants her to be even if it didn't feel right,no matter how draining it could be.

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