Chapter 33

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"Fuck me"Ayano whisper under her breath as she turns around to a smiling Raibaru,"Didnt think you would see this beautiful face again so soon,did you"She spoke up.Her eyes moving to Budo,"I'm just saying I'd you ever get bored of her you still have my number"She winked.Ayano moved to stand in between them as she glared at her,"Didnt you hurt him enough already?Back off"She spoke in a lower tone but Raibaru only giggled as she leans her hand out to cup Ayano's cheek,"You aren't better then me,stop pretending you are"Before winking at Budo before leaving.

"'re holding pretty tightly on my hand"Budo whisper.She immediately let go of his hand,"I'm sorry,I didn't even notice"She takes his hand and holds it up for a better look,"I didn't hurt it badly?Ill kick myself if you got hurt so stupidly by me"She mumbles.Budo only smiled and shakes his head,"No,it's fine just a lil sore but nothing serious"He responded.She smiled as she brings his hand to her lips to place a kiss on his knuckles,"Then I'm glad,let's go find Mina and Sho.We've lost sight of them"Ayano said as she pulled him behind her into the building.

As both stood with glasses in hand chatting in the dinning hall away from other guest who started to art and waited in the gardens.Ayano taking her third cocktail for the night.Budo frowned as he reached out to softly push her hand down with the glass in,"Arent you drinking a bit to much?"Budo asked concerned,Ayano frowns as she looks to the glass and puts it back down as she crossed her arms.

"I might be drinking a lot but it's fine,I can handle my alcohol"She said glancing back up at him.Budo frowns but backs off,"Okay but if you feel unwell tell me immediately,Taro got some of the guest rooms and one of those are mine so I can take you there"He said resting a hand on her arm,Ayano glanced between his hand and his before smirking.

"Are you inviting me to spent the night with you in a hotel room?"She purred leaning towards him.

Budo flushed red as his eyes widen,"No,I-no stop it"He mumbles as he lifts his hands to cover his red face,"First the picture now this..."He moved away one hand and stands closer to Ayano,hiding half of his face with his one hand as the other grabbed the table to lean on to trap Ayano,"You really don't want me to be focused today?"He asked,Ayano only looked at him shocked as her own pink shade became visible on her cheeks before smiling.Lifting her hands to take ahold of his blazer,"I find it entertaining to think what could be going through your mind with the material I give you"She smiled sweetly as her hands move to rest on his chest.

His head falling down,Ayano smiled in victory and continued to fell his chest till she felt something hard in his blazer pockets.She reaches into the pocket to pull out a flower comb,gold with sakurasou flowers.She analyzed the comb as Budo looked down to her,"I saw it yesterday at the florist while Taro checked out the flowers for the wedding.I thought it would look nice with your hair but it's not matching with your dress"He said with a small frown.Ayano looks up to him dumbfound,"You really didn't have to.."

Budo leans down to rest his forehead against hers,smiling,"I wanted too"Ayano sighs as she holds it up to her chest and holds it close,"I appreciate it,thanks"she smiles.Sho peaked into the hall and whistles,"We need all groomsmen with the groom and guest to be seated"He smiled,both nod as they step away from each other.Budo places a fast kiss on her cheek with a smile before giving her a small wave as he grabs giggling Sho and disappear.

Ayano looks to the door and back to the comb with a heavy sigh,"I can't believe I'm going to loose you in a few months"

"I now declare you man and wife,you may kiss the bride"

The area filling with claps and cheers of joy as Osana and Taro cupped each other's cheeks and shared a longing kiss.Ayano felt a bitter-sweet sting within herself,even if she lost whatever feelings she held towards Taro,being at his wedding with the one failure in your plan wasn't easy.To this day Ayano thought what could have happened been?

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