Chapter 17

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"Ayano,haven't heard from you a hot second"Kokoro joked as she placed her phone on speaker and next to her on the bed as she continued to paint her nails,"Yeah sorry about that,work has been crazy lately"Ayano spoked with a soft guilt in her as she leaned agasint Mina's doorframe,Kokoro only giggled,"Us ladies have very busy lives,I understand that perfectly.But seriously what's up?"Ayano sighed as she glanced to Mina who laid face first on her bed,"Mina wrote her last exams today and it's almost 6 and she's still stressing her ass off and whatever I do isn't helping,you have any suggestions?"Ayano asked.

"I know of this amazing club in the heart of the city,I bet that would make her take her mind of her exams"Ayano frowned slightly,clubs or crowded places in general weren't completely her thing but seeing the state Mina is in she would do it."Sure,that sounds like a plan?"Ayano responded,also wanting to see if Mina agreed.She lift her hand to give a thumbs up,"Yeah it's a go ahead from both"Ayano said,"Hojiro is out tonight with the guys,how about I pick you both up to stay at mine for tonight.Ladies day tomorrow and then we party our feet off the night?" Kokoro suggested,Ayano hums,"Sounds like a plan,see you later"Ayano greeted,"Hugs and kisses"Kokoro greeted back as she ended the call.

Ayano walked over to Mina and flop onto her,earning a giggled,"Stop it"Mina giggled as she tried to turn around to push Ayano off,"Not until I see a smile"Ayano said as she turned her body to be able to poke her cheek,"You've been so focused and moody this whole week,I even needed to remind you like three times to shower and constantly remind you to eat.I don't mind you being more serious but fuck,light up a little"Ayano said poking her cheek more aggressively,"Okay fine,now get off me I need to pee"With those words Ayano immediately jumped off and walked away,"Gross,go"She responded,"Victory is mine" Mina sung as she closed the bathroom door.

Ayano went and sat down on the ground,resting against the pile of pillows as she looked through her phone,Tomomi had been really quiet this week.No replies,no good night or morning,just disappeared off the face of the earth.Ayano pout softly as she placed her phone down.Mina came walking out and sitting next to Ayano,resting her head on her shoulder,"It's probably like a hour before she comes for us,we should be packing"Mina said poking Ayano cheek,"Yeah okay,get off"Ayano mumble,Mina grinned at her and gave her one last poke,"Revenge"She said with sticking her tongue out and disappearing in her room.Ayano smiled softly as she walked to her own to pack.

Budo sat on the bench outside the apartment building,blowing smoke into the air.Whenever the stress got to him,he couldn't help but smoke a few cigarettes.He hunch forward,Raibaru has been ignoring all his questions regarding to the wedding and been more snappy with her responses to anything else.He couldn't help but felt like he said or did something to insult her,or maybe she's having trouble with her family.He sigh as he used his free hand to rub his neck,taking another pull from the cigarette.

"Never took you as a smoker"A voice spoke from behind,Budo look over his shoulder to see Ayano standing while holding a backpack,Budo gave her a shy smile as he looked to the side,"Only when I'm stressed,it's not a regular thing"He said using his free hand to push his bangs out of his face,"Relationships problems,you know"He said,Ayano hum as she sat next to him.Holding a stiff pose but a relaxed smile,"Relationship can be quite tricky,I fully understand that part.I hope whatever is going on with you and your girlfriend will be resolved"She said with a gentle smile,Budo felt himself stare at her for a moment before looking away with a blush.

"I-Thanks"He said tapping the ass off,"So what's with the bag,if I may ask"He said pointing towards the backpack Ayano rest on her lap,"Since Mina is so on the dumps about her exams I got Kokoro to help me to cheer her up.We're going there for the night"She said,Budo nodded,"Probably for the best,she's taking this exams fo heart"He responded,Ayano hummed.

Budo looks back up to meet Ayano's eyes,those sliver eyes he adored to see back when they were together in the martial arts club years back.Ready for whatever was to be thrown at her,Budo slowly started raise his free hand to run his knuckles along her jawline.Ayano's face being covered in a pink blush almost immediately,she closed her eyes as she leaned into his touch.He looked at her shocked,his hand freezing in the movement.He expected her to pull away and scold him,but she didn't...why?Ayano took notice of the missing movement as raised a hand to grab his,making him cup her cheek."A word of this to someone else and you're dead meat"Ayano spoke calmly,Budo only nod as his face became a bright red.

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