Chapter 25

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"Ayano,what the fuck?"

Ayano stood by the bathroom sink,her hands resting either side as water drops slip off her face.By the time she woke up Budo was gone from sight,only a simple thank you note on the kitchen counter.At least to say she was disappointed he didn't even say goodbye to her face-to-face but understood he needed to leave to go out of town today,probably why he left so fast.She sighed as she looked up to the mirror,eyebaga from the countless nights she could barely get sleep.

But thinking of the night now only reminded her of Budo,him holding onto her from nightmares he couldn't understand himself,a sense of comfort.And as she thought before sleeping so close to him was pure heaven itself,his hands on her body was alone almost to much for her to contain her blushing.She bite the inside of her cheek as she pushed herself off the sink to find something to eat and finish up for work,like usual the weekend will be packed.

Two floors up sat Sho with Supuna on his lap,she played with his chin hair while giggling,"This is the only reason I remember your half American"She teased as glanced down to him,his eyes holding dark circles under them as he was severely pale to,his eyes battling to stay open,even his muscle mass has been declining the past few days little but little.She smiled as she glanced towards his empty mug before pouting as she looked away and rest her head on his.

"So where was Budo last night?He came in super early this morning after leaving last night"Supuna asked,Sho shrugged,"Probably Ayano,he would have taken his phone with him if he was planning to go to out long"Sho spoke in a tired tone,her eyes widen in shock before rolling her eyes as she let out a sigh before pouting again at Sho,"But don't you find it strange that he stayed there the whole night?"She asked.

Sho shook his head,"I...I don't know,what's with all the questions?"He asked looking up to her,she shuttled her shoulders,"I just heard something that might be of concern but-"Sho quickly interrupted her,"What?"He asked,Supuna holding his full attention,she smirked at him,"I don't know when this was but a little birdie told me that it was the last time Ayano and Budo were alone,she tried to take advantage of him for her own selfish reasons.I think that's why Budo as been so off lately"She spoke in a innocent tone,resting her pointer finger in her chin.

Sho's eyes widen before he swore under his breath,"I should have fucking know"He thought aloud,he moved Supuna off him and placed a kiss on her forehead,"I need to have a talk with my neighbor,I'll be back later"Sho said as he rushed out the door,stumble over his feet before stepping out,Supuna rolled her eyes as she pulled her phone out,"I told her to behave"She mocked as she scrolled through her phone.She opened an app and zoomed in,"I need to keep a closer eye on you,don't I?"She questioned aloud as the image showed the inside of Ayano's kitchen.

Ayano stepped out of her apartment and locked the door as Sho came stomping down the hallway,Ayano looked to him and her face fell as she noticed his pale,weaken body.She stepped forward to help Sho regain his balance,"God,Sho what have you been eating or drinking,looking alike you've been poisoned"Ayano tried to joke but Sho pushed her away and pointed a finger at her,"Ayano,what the fuck?"

Her concern expression fell to a pissed one,"Excuse me?"She questioned back as she crossed her arms,"I know what the fuck happened that night you were at Budo's"She snapped at her,Ayano's eyes only widen,"Sho,you clearly don't understand-"Sho threw his hands up in the air,"I knew you would still hurt Budo,I fucking knew it but yet I still trusted you to be alone with him"Sho started to rant,"Play around with his feelings for your own selfish gain,you are such a bitch"Sho glared at her,"You are always going to do this to him aren't you?Please stop leading him on and giving him false hope just to fucking him around,leave him alone"Sho pleaded.

Ayano stood taken back by his words before giggling,Sho raised a eyebrow at her,"What?"He snapped,loosing his stance a moment.She looked at him while narrowing her eyes,"Me,giving him false hope?At least I didn't feed him lies and told the truth,even if it did hurt him.What about you?You've been giving Mina false hope the last month easily and then fucking make out with the bitch of a thing in front of her face to rub salt in the wound!Why do you think she left so suddenly!"She stated as she took a step forward,Sho's eyes widen,"At least I'm not a fucking liar like you"Ayano raised her voice,Sho rolled his eyes at her,"I didn't mean for it to turn out like that"He tried to defend himself,Ayano stepped closer almost standing against him.

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