Chapter 27

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Sho continuously sat by the table and kept on updates with anything to possibly find where they could have gone.Another 14 minutes has passed.Sho sighed as he ran a hand through his hair,cold sweat dripping down his forehead.Sho listened into the radio as he looked back to the map,"No cars has left the city nor been found stranded somewhere"He mumble under his breath.He huffs as he takes a step back,"Maybe we missed something,but where"Sho questioned himself before coughing again,he lets out a annoyed sigh as he wiped his mouth clean and take his phone,"Budo should be in anytime"He thought to himself as he walked out the security room and back to the locker room to look around.

They've already took what was on the ground and left.Sho looked around as Nurse Suzuki came in,"Nothing?"She asked,Sho looked at her and shook his head.Suzuki stepped closer as she seemed to focus on something,Sho kept looking at her as Suzuki pulled open a locker as moved things inside.Sho walked closer to stand next to her and look with her inside the locker, she gasped softly,"Her keys"Suzuki spoke softly.Sho looked back to her ,Suzuki snapped her head to him,"Her keys,she leaves all her personal items here"She said pointing,Sho looked for himself inside and saw her wallet was inside along with her portable charger and umbrella.

Sho's eyes widen as he hit his head,"Their cocky enough to hide out in the one place they could be caught the easiest.It was in our face the whole time"Sho mutter to himself as he turn to inform the others but lost balance and fell to the ground,Suzuki immediately ran to him and pulled him up.Sho leaned against her as he cough into his hand,before he could hide his hand Suzuki saw the blood,"You need to come with me,right now"She spoke as she pulled him along,he shook his head,"No,I can't I need to get Ayano"He states,Suzuki pouts as she stares ar him before giving in after seeing the determination behind his eyes,"Do what ever you must fast,I'm having you in a bed in 5 minutes to do test"She said as she walked away and started to talk on her walkie.

Sho started to call Budo first,as hoped Budo picked up in a few seconds,"Did anything happen?"He asked,worry laced between his words,"The apartment,get there fast,I'm sending back up now"Sho ordered as he switched to call his radio to have any close by officers to go.Budo looked confused at his phone but leaned forward and tap the driver's shoulder,"Sorry but can we got faster,like a lot faster?"Budo asked,the driver shook his head,"Sorry but I can't speed"He responded,Budo looked up to the empty roads,"I'll pay extra,double even,just drive faster"The driver looked at Budo through the mirror and hummed as he stepped in the gas and rushed down the streets.

Budo feeling his heart stuck in his throat as they came closer and closer,fearful of what he could possibly find.His heart beat becoming louder then everything around him,the only thing he could even hear.As they came to the last turn Budo pulled out all money he had in his wallet as he jumped out the car with the car still driving.He fell and scratched his elbows but he left his bag on the ground and dashed into the building.Immediately running up the stairs,tripping over every few steps as he rushed over them.

He push through the door and across the hallway to try and open the door but it was locked,Budo groaned as he hit his hand against the door and rest his forehead against it thinking Sho was wrong until he heard glass shattering inside faintly.His eyes shot up as he took a few steps back and tried to ram shoulder first into the door,his hurt shoulder his mother threw the vase on.The commotion inside becoming louder,Budo took a deep breath as he glared down the door and run into it and broke the door open.He pants as he stands up and look around to see a broken beer bottle and a phone laying on the floor in the living area,Budo kept his eyes on the apartment as he felt through the drawers for a knife to use.

In the process he slices his finger but needless grabs the knife and move his hands over to create a form of shield to protect him from any sudden attacks.He leans his back agasint the wall as he peeked into Mina's room to see no movement.He cautiously stepped forward and peeked around the corner,the bathroom empty,the toilet as well when he saw Ayano's bedroom door was close.

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