Chapter 6

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One year..

One year ago her world was turned..
If it was for better or worse is still unknown..

The hate from her mother,loosing her first friend Amai do to becoming a bullying target on media,her and Budo's relationship.

Even if a lot changed,one that hasn't is her friendship with Mina.As the friendship grew stronger,their time spent together grew less.Ayano knew her mother would target Mina to get to her,after hearing that her mother knew her name,she knew she needed to cut connections outside school to the minimum to not raise suspicion.They'd spent all their time together at school,and as the bell ring they would split.Neither existing in the others live outside school. Mina understood this and went with it,she knew this was a temporary thing they needed to do till Ayano could move out and she was in it to wait.

When the school year ended the greetings between Mina and the two men were hard.Since they didn't have much time open before going to do their compulsory military time so Mina knew it would be most likely the last time she'll see them in a long time.That afternoon the hole martial arts club went out to give the two leaving members a proper send off.According to what Shima told Ayano, Mina and Sho went away from the group go almost a hour before joining them again,they were supposedly quite weird afterwards but no one asked what happened.

The same day Budo gave the leadership armband to Mina to take over the club the next school year,at the least that day was emotional.

Now at present day everything seemed to be on the best they could be.Mina now the martial art club leader,becoming quite popular but still making sure to spend as much time at school with Ayano since they couldn't meet up outside school,rumors went around of them dating but was quickly kicked aside when Mina dated a fellow male classmate for a month or so.Mina also got the chance to grow out her hair again to get away from her horrid haircut her father made her have.

Ayano also let her hair grow out but only because Ryoba says boys love girls with longer hair,so even with her previous long hair she started to braid it to both stay out her face and not much of a bother to handle.But even so Ayano has proven to be quite the smart student once again,becoming one of the top students with studying the hole vacay when she was sneaking out or doing her mother's lovely training.

Which ever rumours were around Ayano slipped away when she raised up in popularity with her intelligence.Also reclaiming her role in the student council.

Mid-terms has ended,Ayano sat in her room brushing out her hair.Her mother went out for shopping leaving Ayano at home.Ayano stared into her mirror taking in her bruised arms and torso,some hidden under her peach crop top.She let's out a sigh as she placed her brush down,she moved to tie her hair then sitting by her window to observe the people outside walking around.Interesting stuff barely happen,it was just calm to see how peaceful the outside world was,also giving her mind space to wonder around freely.

But as usual it only went to her mother and her smile,even if her plans to leave were coming closer and closer to be a reality she still worried of if her scholarship will be accepted,it's at this point the only plan that could work.Tokyo Medical University was her plan,also west of Tokyo but a few hours away from Buzara Town which was perfect.Ayano has spent every minute of her free time to study to get the best marks,to prove to them she won't be a waste of a scholarship.She took a deep breath and stare outside her window as she fidgeted with her fingers when she noticed a person staring back at her with a hood over their face with a skull pattern on.Ayano frowned as she moved away from her window,probably a pervert hoping to see something.She crossed her arms a waited a few seconds to look back out her window to see the person has left.She went back to sit by her window as she watched a couple walk past,he was showing her something on his phone,Ayano couldn't help but feel he looked familiar until it hit her.

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