Chapter 15

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(Apologizes if they might be a bit off,I usually have someone who reads these before hand for me to check for any large mistakes or confusion but their currently busy and I've been waiting more then a week for a response on them and by now I just don't want you guys to wait much longer so I hope these aren't to bad <3)

Mina unlocked the door with Sho following close behind.As Mina changed her shoes Sho placed down the bag and remove his own shoes to only sit cross legged on the floor and watch Mina as she packed away the items in hand,"So how's your parents doing,haven't heard about them in a long time"Sho asked,Mina glanced quickly at him as she continued,"Sis called last week,everything is going well.Mum is doing well in a knitting business while dad is still busy as ever with the shrine.There's a bit of problems coming up with her finding out she's pregnant...Dad was quite upset when I left so god knows how he'll react to her pregnancy"She said.

Sho looked at her shocked,"Damn, someone is going to be a aunt"Mina giggled at him,"Yeah,becoming a old lady more like it"She said as she turned her back to him to put the jelly packets away,Sho pouted as he softly stood up and come up behind her.Swiftly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulling her into the air,Mina yelped from the sudden action.She started to laugh as she grabbed onto his arms as Sho laughed himself as he swung them around in the small kitchen,"Why?"Mina asked before excitedly giggling again,Sho stopped and let her stand on her feet again.He rest his head on hers,"Is you back sore?"He said,Mina frowned.

"No?"She answer uncertainty,Sho used one hand to pat her cheek from behind,"Then you aren't old"He said before placing a kiss on the top of her head and letting her go,"How far are you with packing out?"He asked placing his hands in his pockets,Mina looked at him shocked with a faint blush before nodding,"Yeah,I just want to change into something more comfortable"She said as she started to walk away.Sho nodded as he walked around the apartment,he walked into the small hallway to noticed Ayano's door open.He looked back at Mina door to see it still closed,curiosity continued to eat at him until he gave in and walked to peak into Ayano's room to look around.

Quite different from what he had previously expected,the dream catchers hanging from her wall to the fabric coming from the ceiling to create a see though walls around her bed.He looked around more to notice a plush that caught his attention sitting on top of her pillows.He moved the curtain aside the have a better look of the plush,he swore he remembered seeing it somewhere else previously.But boba tea themed items are popular now and then again so it could be from that but still felt like he's seen it somewhere before.He pouted as he moved away and fix the curtain,he turned around to see Mina standing by the doorway with her arms crossed with her eyebrows raised.

"Nosey much?"She spoke.Sho smiled at her sheepishly before pointing at the plush,"Do you know where she got that?Id like to get one myself"Mina peeked in and looked at the plush,"Shes had that thing since second year if I'm correct,it was a gift but she never told from who,quite stubborn on that fact"She said before grabbing his wrist and pulling him out.She closed the door and pushed him into the living area,"But serious note,she will kill you for snooping in her room"She said flicking a finger against his forehead.He only frowned and rub the sore area,"It's a open door,I've gotta peek at least " he said.Mina softly mocked him as she checked her phone before frowning,Sho moved closer behind her to look on her screen with her to see it's a reminder of her exams date which is a week away.

"Still stressing?" He asked,she nods,"Yeah,I know I've been studying my thing off the whole time but I feel like I'm still going to do shitty and not pass"She said before nervously playing with her hair,"This is the last exams I need to write to be finished and actually look for a job in the police force but it could also just throw me back into square one"She continued to mumbled,Sho sighed as he wrapped his arms around her waist and rest his head on her shoulder,"Stop thinking about it for the weekend,I hate seeing you so worried about things.You're a smart woman,you'll do amazing so please stop worrying or I'll make you stop"He spoke into her neck.

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