Another update

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Chapter one has finally been updated,I know it's only one but there's easily 2000 words added so yeah :')

I truly hope it will be better for you all as I did try to improve both the plot and scenes in the chapter,the chapters after hopefully won't take as long since some don't have large changes but to make it easier to stay up to date of how to know if a chapter is edited or not is imma start adding like titles by chapters I've finished until I'm up to date with all published chapters,so until then it might look odd but it's the easiest to keep track

Plusss the book for my art dumbs and concepts has been published and you can find it on my profile,if you don't check it out it's chill but it's for fun as I'll also talk of old concepts I had or whatever connected to Akai Ito like old art as well new art

But once again thank you all so much for the support so far,the only reason I haven't left this book and actually want to finish it as I also hold in mind a sequel to also write ;)


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