Chapter 11

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Budo rubbed his temple while listening to his mother yelling at him on the other side of the phone,"You are such a disappointment,just a lawyer?You could have been like your cousin and be a head surgeon,something amazing.He makes so much money to look after his wife and kids,did you know she's expecting their third child?Two boys so far so even a third boy is possible,so impressive" he sighed and nod his head,"Mother I need to go,I have a client coming in",a loud huff come from the phone,"We will talk later again,Budo" she said,"Yes moth-" she ended then call in his ear.He looked helpless at his phone while placing in on his desk,he just can't please her.He has always been a top student with academics,sport, popularity even,but it still wasn't good enough.She wanted more from him,she needed that more from him.To show off to her friends,to brag about how amazing her son is compared to theirs.

He only wanted one 'I'm proud of you' from her,just to hear it one time and to mean it.That's what he's hopping to happen when he gets married with the wife she picked out.Following traditions to please her and hope she'll be some what proud about him.Since early childhood he craved to hear those words from her,that's when he started to push himself more and more to study harder,workout more,make more friends.He pushed himself to breaking point to please her high expectations,even finishing a whole day of school when he broke his finger in middle school.Covered and lied about it until the school day ended and then came to the teacher and showed it's broken,by then the finger looked worse then before,more swollen and bruised then a few hours earlier.

He turned around in his chair to look outside to the stormy clouds,his mind going to Sho.He wanted to help so badly with moving everything in but when one of his co workers called in a emergency meeting to discuss a case he couldn't say no.It's been an hour since the meeting has ended,currently around 3pm.He wanted to go home but couldn't talk to his mother while on the bus,he didn't want any weird stares.He sighed and spun around in his chair while staring blankly infront of him.

He stopped and smiled at the thought of living with Sho with his time here,his apartment is beautiful and large but it's empty...lonely.Sho brought out the inner child in him that has been pushed down away deep into the darkness from the constant studying and doing what he can to improve and please her.It went down hill when his grades slightly fell in his last year,before it was bearable but became a lot of arguing and yelling,and at some points glasses thrown towards him.It was bad but it didn't stop him from spending more time at school that week to spend more alone time with Ayano.He lied and said it was for extra classes,he was learning things but none of them educational.

And the times he snuck out to visit Ayano when she was in the Mental Hospital.Caught the last time and was forced to cut ties with her,it wasn't his preferred choice but went with it.He lied about why he stopped seeing her to Sho since he wanted keep Sho out of his family drama.He came out to Sho about the stuff when he was in his second year of law school and was on the verge of a severe burnout,he was on the edge to leave everything and take what ever money is on his name and runaway.He didn't want to relay on Sho to keep his mental state in a good place but was in a spot with no one else to lean on he didn't have much of a choice.That night shocked Sho,seeing his usually happy, confident,head strong friend on the floor crying and putting himself down with books scatter around him.

He is till now so grateful for Sho helping him,he felt the need to since then to provide him with the best things.Gifts,watches,clothes,beer,anything to show how compare how much what Sho did for him ment to him in materialistic things since that's the only affection he understood well enough to use.Sho fought against him with most things,Budo would give in and not force him to take certain things but other things after convincing him a few hours to take.Only worked three times but it worked.

Budo chuckled to himself as he stood up and picked his phone back up,he needed to take Raibaru out for a date later.He suit was looking sharp enough to go to an restaurant with.He walked out of his office with his umbrella in hand,one he really needed to replace but never remembered to buy a new one.Greeting the desk workers as he walked to the elevator,he stepped in as he opened as his eyes stuck on his phone,"Lovely weather we're having"a lady spoke,a calm voice.He nods,"I honestly do prefer rain over the heat"he said look at her,Most if her face was either covered by her hair or her mask,odd she doesn't sound sick.The elevator stopped by a random floor,she gasped surprised before giggling,"Silly me,I have to say goodbye now but I believe we'll see each other soon again oneday"She said stepping out,Budo looked up as the closing doors to get a glimpse of red pupils before the doors shutters completely.

He looked confused before shaking his head,"I need to get some proper sleep,seeing things"He spoke to himself while texting Raibaru. She sounded excited like usual about their date nights,but let out a sigh as he started to think about needing to tell her they can't see each other anymore.He could do it tonight,but couldn't bring it in him to tell her.Hurting her was the one thing he didn't want to do but knew that was whats it's going to end up with.Maybe after this week he'll break it off,a whole week to prepare with how he'll say the news.

He stepped out the elevator and fixed his suit before trying to opening his umbrella,after a few tries it sprung open giving him a small surprise jump from it, walked into the rain,he stood and let out a annoyed huff noticing he missed the buss.He started walking down the wet streets towards the restaurant a few blocks away,the bus would have been the preferred option but even so the rain was lovely to walk in.He looked at the couples walking past under their shared umbrellas window shopping.The rain can be so romantic with the right person.He sighed and looked back before him as he turned a corner to just keep watch of the sighs glowing softly in the rain.

After his walk Budo stood in-front of the restaurant,he checked his phone again to see if Raibaru had sent anything,nothing.He sighed and hoped for the best and put his phone away to go inside for his booking.He sat down and drank a glass of wine while waiting for her to come,"Can I take your order?"The waitress asked,he shook his head,"No I'm waiting for a date"He said,they smiled at him and walked.Twenty minutes passed,she still haven't,"Can I take your order now?"They asked,he shook his head,"No,she probably got caught up in the rain.I'm sure she'll come"he said looking down at his glass.Another twenty minutes gone on the clock when Budo sighed and pulled out his wallet and to leave money on the table as he grabbed his umbrella and walked out.Outside he checked his phone and narrowed his eyebrows hurt,'I forgot I hade other issues to attend to today,I'm so sorry my dear'

No surprise,she'll do this from time to time but gets easier to deal just with the disappointed each time.He's just surprised she's staying around him and seem to genuinely enjoy him,even if he isn't providing her bedroom needs.As a man of tradition he chooses to save himself rather for his wife then a relationship he's unsure about,or at the least for someone actually meaningful.But the gifts and trips is probably good enough to stand in place for those needs to her happy with him.He couldn't be upset with her not showing up when he couldn't even physically please her.

After multiple failed attempts of opening his umbrella he gave in and walked to the closest bus stop to stand under the small roof.While waiting he scrolled through his photos,most of them work related or Sho stealing his phone to take pictures cause it's 'better picture quality' then his.One of his personal favorites is when he made Budo sit in the middle of a quiet road with cherry blossoms falling around him,also was around the same time he and Raibaru got into a large argument and decided to cut things for a few months,just in time for a business trip of hers.

After a slow bus ride Budo came to the bus stop closest to the apartment building,only thing he wants is tea and a good flick after his failed date.He stepped off and tried to open his umbrella,after a few minutes gave in and stopped,he stood in the rain as his clothes became wet wrapping around his body,as his bangs wrapped around his face as water dripped from them ,glaring at his umbrella,"You deserve death"He muttered while walking down the street to come to the building.This day went far from planned to say the least,surprise meeting,being stood up for his date and waited like an idiot for almost a hour,broken umbrella in the middle of rain.How could the day get worse?

Ayano stood by the door to the building while waving to Tomomi as they walked away,blowing her a kiss before disappearing in a black car,to her knowledge it's a friend of his that live in the same neighborhood across town that gets off work this time round.She stood leaning against the frame while looking at the pouring rain,letting out a peaceful sigh,everything just felt good for once in most aspects.It's surprising.

She closed her eyes,her body relaxing under the cool breeze.Footsteps came closer,Ayano opened her eyes to look around to see a male walking towards the door.She went and moved out of his way,he walked and and gave her a quick nod without looking towards her,"A verbal thank you would be nice to"She mumbled,he stopped.His heart fell to his feet as he turned around to face her as he moved his hair out of his face.Her eyes widen upon seeing his face,"You got to be fucking kidding me"she hissed,crossing her arms and looking away.


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