Forbbiden (chapter 1)

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During hydra
Third pov

As Dorothea opens her eyes and she could feel the coldness from the stone as she lifted herself of from the floor to a sitting position. She looked around a saw metal bars at the side of her and stone walls all around. She realised that she's trapped.

Then a guy with holding a gun, wearing a full black suit and his helmet was covering his eyes come towards the metal bars.

She could hear his feet stomping along the cold solid floor as he comes closer to metal bars, making her shiver slightly, grabbing a chain of keys from the side of his belt and he opened the cell door with a ear piercing creak as it opened. He stood there looking at her with a gun in his hands.

"Come with me agent Rogers!" He said with a cracked voice aggressively, "there ready for you!"

Dorothea looked up at the guy with confusion then two other guards can and grabbed her arms tightly, dragging her out of the cell.

Dorothea tried to break free but the guards grip was tight around her arm. They dragged her through hallways full of cells, then as they dragged her through one of the hallways.

She saw that one of the doors were open and she peaked through and saw a guy that looks like he is in his 20's or 30's and he has shortish dark brown hair and that's all she got to see until they forced her into a room 2 doors down.

The room was poorly lit and she could hardly see a thing. Suddenly, tall people in white scientists suits came crowding in and then they pushed her down on an old looking hospital bed then she suddenly was unable to move.

She tried moving to get up but it was a struggle. "Stop moving!" One scientist said in poor English. Then she felt something sharp impale her neck and then she was unable to keep her eyes open and she could feel the coldness of the room creeping up on her.

Then everything was black.

Then she woke up gasping for air in a dark,cold room. "What the hell just happened?" She asked surprisingly to herself.

"No one knows" a familiar voice speaks from across the room.

"Who's there?" Dorothea asked looking around as her eyes adjusted to the dark. Then the person steps a bit closer so she could see who it was. "Y-your Steve's friend a-aren't you and your called Bucky right?" She stuttered.

"Yes I am and your Dot?" He asked while he was just staring at Dorothea for an answer.

"yes I am" Dorothea said kindly and trying not to make awkward eye contact, " I'm Steve's-"

She was cut of my guards yelling from down the hall. He quickly shuffled back into his corner of the room. Then there was silence . Before she knew it she entered a deep sleep.

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