Chapter 6

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Frozen in time

While wondering through twisted halls they come to two steel doors. "Let's hide in there" Bucky said weakly. Dot didn't reply and quickly went through the steel doors and slammed them shut a few seconds before guards came running down.

Bucky and dot sat next to each other with there backs up against the wall.
"So what now?" Dot asked

"Well we plan our escape obviously" Bucky said putting his arm over dots shoulder.

Dot doesn't say anything she just sits and smiles then turns to face Bucky.
"What?!" Bucky said as he stares into her emerald eyes.

"No it doesn't matter" she spoke leaving his gaze looking at the floor

He places his warm hand on her face lifting her head up so he met her gaze again, "tell me what is it?"

Dot sighed "well... ummm one question do you remember me?"

He let out a little laugh, "of course I remember you well... yeah I remember you!" He smiled, hesitant slightly.

" Ok...ok good. Because I.. I umm kinda have a..." she fades out. Bucky full of confusion, "have a what?"

"I kinda have a little crush on you... well it's actually a huge crush but you get what I mean" she quickly said with awkwardness her face blushing with embarrassment. Bucky kept eye contact and he shuffles closer to her and she gets a butterfly feeling in her stomach.

Bucky said nothing he just started at her. Leaning in. Then his lips met hers and she could feel the coldness of his metal arm on her waist. Felt like fireworks set off in her stomach.

Then the steal doors flew open and doctor Zola and a few guard stood at the open door. And some guards grabbed Bucky and and the rest grabbed dot pulling them into separate rooms. She then ended up in the same chair as before under the same machine.

A doctor pushed the button and as the machine falls onto her face she could hear the electricity aggressive flow through the machine. It falls onto her face. This time she didn't scream she just closed her eyes because she new what was coming next.

Then the machine lifted back of her face and a hydra soldier said repeatedly , "возлюбленный , семья , дом, убийца , забытый , солдат."

"готов подчиниться" dot said emotionlessly. She then went on her last mission for hydra. They then took her to a circular glass dome thing and she stood there as they froze her in time.

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