Chapter 27

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Everyone stayed quiet not saying a word for what felt like hours, then Rhody ran into the room breaking the awkward hours of silence. "It's Tony he's back" he said as her tried to catch his breath.

Then everyone left the room and headed outside; to see a huge space ship that looked old and destroyed. Then the doors open and Tony came out; he looked sick and weak.

A blonde girl in a white suit rushed towards Tony, she kissed his cheek and helped him to a chubby man in a black suit he had a wheelchair for him. "I lost him... I lost the kid." Dot heard Tony say sadly and he sat down on the wheelchair.

Dot was confused by what Tony said. What kid? was it his kid he lost? Dot got lost in her thoughts she wanted to ask Tony all her questions but she didn't want to upset him. Then a girl came out not long after Tony, she was robot looking human with blue skin her eyes were as dark. Then another girl in a weird looking suit with a star on her chest. She also had long wavy blonde hair.

They both walked passed dot and headed inside with the others. The only one left outside was dot. She sat down and leaned against a tree. She let out a sad quiet sigh as she closed her eyes more memories came flooding back.


A 15 year old dot was sat on a bench by herself drawing in a small sketch book. Then a 16 year old Bucky walked past dot then he walked back and sat next to dot.

"Now what is a lovely lady like you doing all by herself?" Bucky asked and smiled at dot. Dot didn't look at bucky and kept her head down and continued to draw.

"I like being by myself it's peaceful." Dot said not even lifting her head. Bucky smiled still and tried looked over dots shoulder to see what she's drawing. "What are you drawing?" Bucky asked as he moved away from dots shoulder.

Dot finally lifted her head and looked into Bucky's eyes. "I'm drawing a dog, I've always wanted one..." dot trailed for before she continued to draw. Bucky then stood up as he say Steve over on the other side, Bucky waved at Steve then said, "ok by doll" he smiled and ran of to Steve.

~end do memory~

Dot opened her eyes and realised it started to rain. She quickly ran back inside, as she entered she heard Steve and Tony fighting over something. Dot went over to them and yelled, "ENOUGH!! STOP FIGHTING!" Then everything went quiet.

"Dot..." Steve started to speak. Dot walked up to them. "No don't dot me ok...we've all lost someone...we've lost friends..." dot said as she looked around the room, "we've lost family and aren't the avengers supposed to save the world-"

"World! What world do we have to save!" Tony yelled he looked upset and he sounded hopeless. Dot looked at Tony. "Well we can find a way to fix it and bring everyone back." Dot said as she tried to put hope in everyone.

Then dot started coughing up more of the black liquid. Dot lost her balance but luckily enough Steve caught her before she could reach the floor. Steve helped dot to a chair once she stopped coughing up black liquid.

"What wrong with her?" Tony asked  but everyone stayed silent. "We don't know she's been like that for a while" Bruce finally answered Tony's question. Then everything went back silent.

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