Chapter 2

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Stage 1

Dorothea is woken by a loud creak off the door. A guard entered the room and lifted her to the experimental room.

Dot woke up to being strapped to a hospital bed surrounded by needles filled with things she didn't know of.

"Stay very still" a croaky voice said as he injected the needle into her arm. A couple seconds after she felt her body burning. Dorothea screamed in agony as her skin and insides continued to burn. She tried to get out of the hospital bed. But nothing tied down.
Still screaming in agonising pain the doctors just stood and examined.

"Make it stop...please make it stop!" Dorothea yelled in pain but no one moved a muscle.Suddenly she felt all the pain go into her hands and they randomly caught flames making her eyes widen.

Then one of the guards grabbed a fire extinguisher and put the fire out from her hand and he says something in Russian.

Then guards came and grabbed her by her arms and dragged her to the cell she was staying in. She didn't bother fighting them. They we're stronger than her so there was no point.

When they reached the cell they chucked her to the floor then locked the door behind then. "Assholes" she whispers thinking no one's there. It still hurt. Everywhere hurt.

"What happened I heard screaming?" Bucky asked worriedly

"It's f-fine I swear" she lied trying to hide the pain.

"Hey I know what your going through" he said softly and her eyes finally met his.

"No it's fine I swear" Dorothea said as she moved a bit closer to Bucky, "is it ok if I cuddle up to you because I'm a bit cold"

"Sure" he said as he placed his arm around her shoulders.

Dorothea rest her head on his chest and she could feel the softness of his hands run through her hair. Then Dorothea then eventually went to sleep.

She is then back in Brooklyn and she's 10 years old and she was playing around with Steve and Bucky.
"I'm going to marry you one day dot" 10 year old Bucky spoke. Then 10 year Dorothea said as Steve looked at Bucky, "In your dreams Bucky you don't stand a chance with me" then she laughed and ran to her favourite spot.

Dorothea woke up to feeling a wave of heat wash over her and her skin started to burn again. Dorothea then screamed in pain waking Bucky up as well. She jolted away from Bucky.

"Dot are you ok?" he went to pull her in for a hug to comfort her but then burnt himself trying to, and he jolted back.

"dot are you sure you ok your like burning up?" But she didn't reply she sat screaming in pain the all of a sudden parts of the room caught flames.

Dorothea's eyes turned to an orange colour and her finger tips had a tingling sensation as it caught flames too.

She walked towards the door of the cell, she placed her hands towards the door and she melted the metal. As the metal door slowly melted away a guard holding a gun and a small. chubby, round man wearing  rounded of glasses to small for his head  stood next to the guard.

" hello agent Rogers and Sargent Barnes" he spoke with poor English, "my name is doctor Zola"

Then suddenly the burning sensation was gone and the parts of the room that was of fire stopped burning.

"I see your testing is going very well agent?" He asked walking close to Dorothea examining her. But every time he moved closer to examine her she backed away.

She suddenly backed up to something and she should feel a breeze on her neck, she tuned around to see Bucky's face. She then caught the gaze of his blue eyes. Dorothea held eye contact with Bucky for a few minutes then the doctor spoke again.

"Sargent Barnes, there ready for you." Then he says something in Russian and the guards took him away. Now Dorothea on her own with the doctor.

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