Chspter 16

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Dot ran to her room and slammed the door behind her. She looked in her mirror she had and saw her eyes go completely black.

"Miss me" the voice said again. Dot looked around but no one was there.

"Who's there?" Dot asked with fear in her voice

"Miss me" the voice repeated. Dot looked back in the mirror and saw that her teeth looked a bit sharper than they normally do.

"Kill them" the voice said, "kill them all." Dot noticed in the mirror that she has gotten a bit pale than normal.

"I'm not killing anyone! I don't do that anymore!" Dot yelled falling to the floor covering her ears.

"Kill them" the voice said again "or I will!" Dot started to panic she didn't know what was going on.

"Who- who are y-y-you?" Dot stuttered.
"I'm a better version of you" the voice said. Dot looked back in the mirror and saw he reflect on talking to her.

She punched the mirror repeatedly and shattered it to pieces. "ugh you stupid girl I'm not your reflection I am you" the voice spoke but aggressively this time.

There was a pounding at her door. "Dorothea Jane Rogers let me in now!"  It was Bucky. No no he needs to leave. She thought.

Dot didn't budge she was sat on the floor surrounded by mirror shards and her knuckles were covered in blood.
Bucky eventually managed to open the door. He saw dot sat on the floor and he rushed towards her.

She turned way from him. "Don't come near me ok!" Dot yelled. But Bucky didn't listen he turned dot around so she was facing him.

She looked towards the door. "Leave Bucky before you get yourself hurt!" She yelled again.

"No dot I'm not leaving you" Bucky spoke while lifting head up gently from the chin.

"Go away Bucky" dot growled and turned her head away.

"Kill him now is our chance" the voice said.

Dot put her hands to her head and rocked back and forth. She kept looking at the ground saying the same thing over and over, "get out of my head!!"

Steve knocked on the the door. "Hey dot are you alright in there?" Steve asked as he came into the room.

Dot stood up but I wasn't dot her eyes were black, demon like. She smirked revealing sharp white teeth. "she warned you to leave" she said

"Dot what are you doing?" Steve asked he didn't want to hurt his sister.

"She told you to leave" she repeated. She moved closer and she pushed them back with her powers. Steve hit his back of the wall and Bucky was thrown to the desk and shattered it to pieces.

"She did tell you to leave" she said again as she walked towards Bucky and grabbed him by the shirt. "Now there all going to pay"

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