Chapter 26

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Dot woke up to beeping of multiple machine's. Dot tried to move but her muscles didn't move. "Hey dot just calm down your okay." She heard Bruce speak in a calming voice. How can he be so calm after what just happened, dot thought.

Dot tried to speak but she just coughed instead. "Is she ok Bruce?" She heard Steve ask in a concerned tone. "I'm not sure...she keeps coughing up black liquid." She heard Bruce mumble until she blacked out again.


Dot woke up again but the machine's weren't beeping. Dot shuffled around and then she eventually put herself into a sitting position. Nat walked in and had a shake look on her face. "What are you doing your supposed to rest." Nat said as she walked towards dot.

Dot moved again then felt a rush of pain in her side. "Ouch! That hurt!" Dot yelled. Then Steve walked in. "Dot are you okay?"

"Oh shut up old man" dot spat. Then she had the same metallic taste in her mouth again. She coughed out a darker black liquid.

Steve and Nat looked at dot concerned. "Dot what's going on? Why is this happening?" Steve asked as he placed a hand on dots shoulder.

Dots emerald green eyes started to lose their colour. "Dot!!" Steve yelled as she started to doze off. "Get banner!" Steve yelled to Nat. Nat ran out of the room to go and look for banner.

"I'm sorry" dot whispered repeatedly. Steve looked around confused, "dot what do you mean?" Steve asked. "I'm sorry" dot said with a little smile on her face then the smile disappeared as dot started to get flashbacks of memories she would rather forget.

Dot started to cry into Steve's shoulder. Then Bruce and Nat ran back in. "Steve is dot alright?" Bruce asked, he sounded concerned. Dot pushed herself away from Steve and then she coughed up some more black liquid.

Dot felt a sudden burning sensation all over. Dot screamed in pain, "make it stop! Please make it stop!!"

"Make what stop dot?" Bruce asked as he tried to check her temperature, he placed his hand on her forehead then jerked back,"wow dot your burning up-"

"Make it stop please it hurts!" Dot interrupted. Bruce started getting the machines up and he hooked some up to dot. "Ok dot I'm going to run some tests if that's ok" he said as he tried to keep his voice calm.

Dot just nodded to reply then she laid back and shut her eyes as he ran some tests. Dot heard machine's beeping and metal clanking. Then after couple of hours the beeping and clanking stopped.

"Umm...Steve you might wanna see the results.." dot heard Bruce speak as he tried not to sound concerned. Dot opened her eyes and sat up. "The results say I'm dying don't they?" Dot asked even though she knew the answer.

Steve, Nat and Bruce just looked at dot. "Yeah...they ummm... they do.." Bruce stuttered. "You knew didn't you?!" Steve asked loudly. Dot flinched as he quickly came towards her. "I'm sorry" she whispered as she kept her head turned.

"Why didn't you tell me? Did Bucky know?" Steve asked he sounded angry. Dot  let silent tears run down her cheek.

"He didn't did he?" Steve asked in a calmer voice.

"No he didn't okay! Happy and I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want anyone to worry about me! And Shuri said she could help but she has disappeared a long with half the population of the world!" Dot yelled angrily as her eyes started to get blurry from the tears and turn an orange colour.

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