Chapter 34

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After they got the stones.

Everyone came back from getting the stones. Everyone cheered and celebrating. Then dot saw Clint looking a bit down.

"Clint are you ok?" Dot asked as she walked towards Clint. She saw tears forming in his eyes. "Clint! Clint where's Natasha?" Dot asked with concern. Once she realised Nat wasn't there.

Dot pulled Clint to a hug and let him cry on her shoulder. "It's ok Clint!" Dot said as she tried not to cry, "we should get to the others and find out what we're going to do with these stones."

Then Clint and dot left the room where the machine was. A couple minutes later the machine started working and ships and aliens came out.

"Ok so explain again how are we going to use the stones we don't have a gauntlet!" Dot said full of confusion. "We're gonna make one" tony said as he ate a hand full of snacks.

Then tony and Bruce started working on building a gauntlet. "Hey Steve!" Dot said kindly.

"Dot I'm sorry about Nat" Steve said as he tried to comfort her. "I know but if this works at least we have some of our family back" dot said as she smiled through the pain.

Then Bruce put on the gauntlet they made. He yelled in pain and he managed to snap his fingers. They waited and waited but nothing happened.

"It was worth the try!" Dot sighed and as she walked away the compound exploded.
Dust filled dots lunges.

Dot tried moving but she couldn't. "Help! Help! I'm-I'm stuck!" Dot coughed. Then a male figure came up to dot.

"Hey try not to move ok!" Clint yelled over alien creatures cries. Dot nodded yes and tried to stay still.

Clint lifts up the stone slab enough for dot to squeeze out. Dot stood up and winced in pain. "Are you ok? Wait stupid question. We need to get out of here" Clint yelled and the alien creatures screeches sounded closer.

Dot and Clint ran. Then dot stopped and a wave of heat hit her and suddenly balls of fire hit the creatures and burned them to crisp.

"What the hell was that!?" Clint asked. Dot sighed and she looked down. "My powers there- there still here" dot sighed

Clint put his hand on her shoulder. "Let's get out of here" he said calmly.

Dot and clint finally got out of the buildings rubble. Dot stood in shock as she saw multiple alien and multiple alien army's. Then thanos appeared.

Then multiple portals opened and everyone came back. Sam and Bucky came through a portal. Dot ran towards them and hugged them as if it was her last time. Dot smiled and kissed Bucky passionately. She backed away "I missed you! I missed both of you" dot said as happy tears fell from her eyes.

"It's a nice reunion but we have a battle to win" tony said as his suits helmet builds on his head.

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