Chapter 17

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She went towards the door but Steve jumped up and blocked her from leaving her room. He looked at dot sadly,"I can't let you leave"

Then her eyes went back to there natural colours. She stumbled back. "Steve?!" Dot said, She sounded scared. Bucky limped towards Steve and stood next to him.

"Dot are you ok? What's going on?" Steve asked. Dot didn't reply she just hissed showing her knife like teeth. Steve jumped back in fear.

Dot fell to the ground in pain. "Get out of my head!" Dot yelled as her eyes went back to there emerald green colour.

"Dot are you ok?" Bucky said helping her up from the floor. Dot didn't say anything she just looked around her room. What did I do, she thought.

"Do I look okay Bucky?!" she snapped. She walked past Steve and ran out the compound avoiding everyone.

She found a thick tall tree and she sat herself down resting herself agains the tree. She looked up at the sky to see grey clouds. Rain started to fall aggressively. She stayed still not even moving a muscle.

Dot was confused she didn't know what happened to her. She looked around to see if anyone is out. Then a figure started to move closer.

"what are you doing out here? Your gonna get a cold" it was Sam he sounded worried. Then he sat down next to dot. He didn't care if the grass was soaked because of the rain.

"Go away Sam I don't want to hurt you" dot said sadly as she turned away. But Sam didn't move. "I'm not leaving you to get a cold" Sam said with a half a smile.

Dot smiled a little. "Sam if we go back in the compound I need you to lock me in a cell and lock it so I can't get out." Dot explained.

"But-" Sam was cut of by dot.

"If your my best friend you would do it" dot said as her eyes stared to become watery. Then one tear escaped her watery eyes.

Sam sighed, "fine I'll do it." Then dot and Sam went into the compound.
They eventually reached a cell that dot could stay in. Sam opened the cell door and dot walked in and Sam locked it after her.

"Sam" dot yelled as he stared to walk away, "don't tell Steve I don't need him to worry about me"

"Sure" Sam said and walked away from the cell.

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