Chapter 33

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Dot sat on her floor as she rested her head against the bottom of the bed. She closed her eyes and she imagined Bucky was here sat next to her and then she opens her eyes and he was gone. Dot got up and left the compound but before she could a car zoomed in and parked in front of the compound.

Steve was standing where the car was parked. Dot saw his mouth moving but she couldn't hear what he was saying.

Then Tony came out of the car and went to the boot and he got out Steve's shield. Then they said something else and they went inside. Then Bruce and rocket came out. "Hey dot!" Rocket said as he waved to her. "Do you want to come with us to get Thor?" Bruce asked.

Dot smiled and ran towards them. "I will take that as a yes then!" Rocket said as he wakes towards his ship.

A couple hours later. Dot knocked on a old wasting away door. Thor answered to door. "Dot! Glad you came back to see me!" Thor yelled in excitement, "come in!"

Dot Bruce and rocket entered the house. "Hey dot!bruce!" Korg said as he played his game.

Then he sat up and held his head set. "Thor he's back! That kid on the tv just called me a dickhead again." Korg yelled

"Noobmaster.." Thor spoke he had this mean look on his face.
"Yeah noobmaster69" korg yelled again. Thor went over to korg and took his head set and he spoke through the mic and said, "noobmaster. Hey it's Thor again. You know the god of thunder? Listen buddy if you don't log of this game immediately! I'm gonna fly over to your house, come down to that basement you're hiding in, Rip off your arms and SHOVE THEM UP YOURE BUTT! Oh, that's right go cry to your father, you little weasel!"

Then Thor gave korg his head set back and he sat down in his chair. "So what do you need?" Thor asked as he opened another bottle of beer. He handed Dot a beer but she politely declined.

"We need your help so we can destroy thanos before he gets the stones and bring everyone back." Bruce explained. Thor quickly stood up and looked at Bruce.

"We don't say that name in here!" Thor yelled but his voice cracked.

Dot went up to Bruce. " we should go Bruce" dot said softly. They left the house and not long after rocket and Thor came out. Thor wore his sunglasses and they headed to the ship.

After a long journey they finally got back to the compound. They entered the compound to see a machine what Scott called a time machine.

Then they did some test runs and then they talked about the stones and where you can find them. Now it's time for the real think. "Ok so is everyone ready? Because if we screw up we don't get a second chance!" Scott explained.

Everyone nodes there head. "See you in a minute" nat said and smiled. Then everyone went to there given time to collect the stones.

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