Chapter 18

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Everything was silent. Dot laid down on a broken springy bed and drifted of to sleep.

Dot Steve and Bucky were 16 and they were walking around Brooklyn.

"Hey so what should we do?" Steve asked. They all stopped walking and exchanged looks.

"We could go to the movies?" Dot said excitedly. Steve smiled and looked at Bucky.

"Ok let's go buck" Steve said dragging Bucky away. "Wait what about dot?" Bucky asked with a bit empathy for dot.

"What about her?" Steve said, "Dot go home I'm older so I'm in charge"

Dot yelled to Steve, "I'm only 4 minutes younger than you and why can't I come?!"

"Well because Dot! Now please just go home!"Steve said and walked away and dragged Bucky with him.

"Ugh!" Dot yelled and walked home angrily.

Dot woke up to a bright light shine in her eyes. Dot squints her eyes and got herself into a sitting position.
"Mornin' doll" Bucky said as he headed towards the glass of the cell. Dot walked towards the glass but didn't get to close.

"Hey Bucky"dot said with half a smile on her face, "how is Steve?" Bucky looked at her. He looked sad. Dot didn't know what to say to him.

"Steve's fine dot." Bucky replied, "why are you in there Dot?" Dot's half smile faded and she turned away.

"I'm dangerous that's why I'm here ok! And I'm here because I'm scared Bucky! I'm scared in case I hurt Steve or..." she trailed off as she caught Bucky's gaze.

"Or what??" Bucky asked. Dot just started at Bucky.

"I just I don't want to hurt you Bucky... I-I wouldn't be able to forgive myself" dot said and she broke the eye contact.

Sam came running in. "Bucky...Steve... Steve is looking for you.." he said as tried to catch his breath after he ran around the whole compound.
Bucky then left without saying anything. Everything was quiet again and dot sat on the broken.

"Hey Sam!" Dot yelled as Sam walked away. Sam stopped and turned his head towards dot.

"Yeah" Sam replied. Dot smiled and said, "take care of him for me... take care of both of them."

Sam nodded and then walked off.
Now dot was left alone with her thoughts. Dot tried to close he eyes and try to sleep but she couldn't.

She couldn't help but wonder how Bucky was doing. Then Bruce came towards the cell holding a tray with a bottle of water and some Chinese.
"Sorry if the food isn't enough. It's just I can't cook" he said softly as he put the tray in the cell. "Anything you would like dot?"

"Ummm... yes actually can I have a sketch book and some art supplies please" she said giving him a smile and dragged the tray towards her.

"Ok dot I can get you a sketch book and supplies" he spoke as he left to go and get the supplies.

"He seems like a good person doesn't he?" The same voice said again. Dot closed her eyes and tried to block it out.

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