Chapter 28

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                                             ~ 5 YEARS LATER ~

Dot opened a draw and gabbed out an old photo of her, Bucky and Steve. "I miss you Buck" dot sighed sadly. Then there was a light knock on the door. "Come on in!" Dot yelled as she placed the photo in her pocket.

The door creaked open and Nat stood in the door way, her hair had grown and her hair fade from a gingery red colour to a light blonde .

"Hey dot Steve asked me if you want to come with me to get a friend?" Nat asked as she stayed at the door way.

"Yeah sure I have nothing better to do" dot said Joyfully, "wait who?"
Dot stopped in her tracks and waited for a reply. "Clint" Nat answered and dot walked with Nat to a jet.


Nat finally got on the jet and Clint followed. He looked different from the last time she saw him. He had long hair and he wore all black. "Ok back to the compound" Nat said quietly.

They finally got back to the compound where Steve was waiting for them. When they get of the jet Steve came up to dot. "Dot Bruce wants you in the lab he didn't tell me what for though" Steve said. He looks happy, dot thought as she made her way to the lab.

Dot entered the lab. "Yeah Bruce you wanted me?" Dot asked giving Bruce a confused look. Bruce looked away from his computer and looked at dot. "Umm..yeah I found out that your powers are killing you on the inside and I-" Bruce started to explain.

"What!?" Dot said looking shocked. "Yeah... well if I get rid of your powers you can live but you will die eventually... but live long enough.... And the extraction of your powers can be painful.." Bruce explained.

Dot jumped up in excitement. "Great. When can I get rid of these powers?" Dot asked in excitement. She hates the. "Maybe in a couple of hours I have to set things up for it.."Bruce said he's lied once he saw a smile on dots face. It's been a while since dot smiled.

Dot left the lab full of happiness that she couldn't stop smiling. Dot entered another seating room where Nat and Steve were. "What's made you happy dot?" Steve asked. Dot sat down next to him but couldn't sit still because of the excitement.

"Ok so..Bruce found away to get my powers out of me because my powers are killing me from the inside." Dot said quickly. Steve and Nat looked at her like she spoke gibberish.

"Ok ok speak slowly!" Nat said before Steve could. Dot took a deep breath and explained slowly, "so Bruce found away to get my powers out of me because there killing me on the inside." She didn't tell them that is will be painful and that she probably die.

"Dot that sounds amazing" Steve said with a smile on his face and he hugged her, nat also gave dot a hug. Dot saw Clint rest his side against the side of the door frame.

"Dot Bruce wants you in the lab." Clint. Said withs his arms folded. Dot nodded and smiled then she went to Bruce's lab. As she entered Bruce's lab she saw some machines of all different sizes.

"Okay dot are you ready?" Bruce said calmly as dot headed towards the chair that was hooked onto some machines. Dot took a deep breath in and tried to make herself comfortable as Bruce connected the machines to her.

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