Chapter 10

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She runs out of the compound and Steve followed her out. "Dot wait! Before we go can same and Nat come with us because we can use the extra help?" Steve asked. He clearly liked her. It was obvious.

"Yeah sure whatever just meet me there ok" dot said quickly before she teleported to the outside of a building covered in little snow.

After a few minutes which felt like hours for her; Steve, Nat and Sam came. "What took you guys so long?" Dot whispered so she didn't get hearted by guards pacing the perimeter of the building.

" Who are you?" Said a dark skinned man in a grey,white and red combat suit with wings

"now no questions or I will feed you to the wolves" dot said with an attitude, "now we need to get in the building undetected so if Steve takes out the guards at the front the will let me and Nat be able to get into the building and other dude you keep watch from above"

before anyone had the time to reply dot ran closer to the building and Nat, Sam and Steve gave each other a confused look but then got into position.

"Do you know what your doing?" Nat whispered from behind dot. Dot just gave her a dirty look with no reply. Steve gave them the signal to head inside the building.

Dot and Nat made it inside the building not getting caught so far. "Ok stay here and I will be back ok" dot spoke in a quiet whispers

"Yeah-wait what?! Why?" Nat yelled in a whisper.

"Because it's not safe I will be back i a minute or so..." dot trailed off as she spotted some guards making there way towards them.

"RUN!" Dot yelled. Nat and Dot both ran down twisted ruined hallways searching room after room for Bucky. They then eventually reach a slightly open door.

"Wait and look out for guards while I see if he is in this room" Dot said as she sneaked into the room.The room what's slightly lit and she couldn't really see anything. Dot then set a flame to the tip of her finger making the room lighter.

She then saw Bucky sat up agains a wall with his arms wrapped around his knees. He looked injured. "Bucky? Bucky! It me" she said as she ran up towards Bucky and she looked at him and she placed her soft hand on his face.

"Do I know you?" Bucky said with a slight of sadness in his voice. Dot just looked at him unable to think on what to do. It felt like her heart just got smashed into a million pieces. So she did anything anyone in a story book would do and kissed him.

"Hey dot you better hurry up three guards are making their way here and there calling for back up!" Nat yelled from the entrance of the room. Dot broke the kiss and  lifted Bucky up from the floor trying to avoid his gaze and the she quickly helps him out of the room.

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