Chapter 3

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First training

"follow me Agent Rogers" said doctor Zola impatiently while Dorothea followed behind slowly.

"I have a name so use it!" Dorothea yelled,"it is-" she was cut of by Zola.

"We know your name it's Dorothea Jane Rogers so please keep up your going to our training room" then there was silence until they reached a double doored room. He entered a pin and the doors flew open. Inside she could see shelves of weapons,targets and an open area for combats.

"you will train here and I shall examine you. Try to escape or anything like that and these guards will shot without hesitation" Zola spoke with aggression and walks away to the other side of the room. She walked towards the shelves of of weapons. She saw a variety of guns, swords,knives and arrows.

"Go ahead agent Rogers" Zola said from the speakers. Dorothea was give a small gun that felt cold to the touch. She then got herself in a good position, she aimed and fired the gun.

A loud bang echoed across the room. She missed the target. Then a guard grabbed a taser and shocked her. She let out a yelp.

"Try again" Zola yelled through the speakers. Dorothea sighed and got back into position she aimed the gun and missed again.

Then a guard shocked her again but with a higher voltage. "Again" yelled Zola. She fell to the floor in pain but then quickly got back up and got into position again she aimed the gun. And fired she then closed her eyes tightly waiting for them to shock her but she slowly opened her eyes and saw that the bullet hit. bullseye.

She smiled to herself keeping quiet, then they handed her a few other guns and then they moved on to knives and bows.

"Well done agent Rogers" said hydra soldier as he entered the room then followed by doctor Zola.

"this is enough training today because our agent need her rest for the experiment tomorrow" doctor Zola said with a smile on his face.

The hydra soldier looked at Dorothea the at Zola then eventually spoke, "agreed doctor."

Then guards came and took her to her empty cell. She entered the cell and heard the door lock behind her.

She sat on an old springy bed. And sat in silence. "hello Bucky you here?" She asked but there was no reply she was alone with only her thoughts to keep her company.

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