Chapter 24

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~couple years later~

Dot walked towards the place were her and shuri would normally meet. As she walked closer she saw more then one figure starting to shape.

It was Steve and some of the avengers and Bucky was there too. "Hey dot" Steve said as dot walked over. Dot ignored him and walked over to Bucky.

Dot stood next to Bucky then Steve came over, "hey buck." Steve smiled at Bucky and they had a short friend hug.

Dot saw Sam and she walked over to sam. "Hey Sam longtime no see buddy how have you been?" Dot laughed

"Hey dot I've missed you too" Sam started to speak, "have you got with Bucky yet?"

"What?! How!" Dot asked as she gave Sam a confused look.

"Dot I'm your friend I know when you like someone" Sam said as he playfully punched dots shoulder.

"Hey stranger" said a familiar voice. Dot turned around it was Nat well she thought it was Nat but she had blonde hair that is slightly passed her ears.

Dot didn't say anything she just hugged Nat. "Omg I haven't seen you in ages how have you been? Where is everyone?" Dot asked as she stepped away from Nat.

"I'm good and it's a long story." Nat said. Dot looked around and saw some other people like: Bruce, Rhody, T'challa with okoye and then there were a few other people.

Dot walked over to Bucky and held his hand. Steve looked confused as he saw her grab Bucky's hand but carried on his conversation with T'Challa.  Then everyone apart from Sam, Bucky and dot went to the north border and got prepared to fight.

"Sam what's going on!" Dot yelled over loud noises of clanking metal.

"I don't know just be prepared to fight and-" Sam was cut of by an explosion but because of Wakandas border shield the explosion didn't hurt them.

"God I love this place." Bucky said holding a gun getting ready to fire. Then Dot stood in between Sam and Bucky.

Then suddenly creatures with with no eyes it was slimy and it was on all fours but it had a few extra legs and it had millions teeth. A couple of these creatures ran towards Dot quicker than any living animal on earth. It ran to dot in a blink of an eye and Sam flew down and knocked one of the creatures away from dot.

"Thanks" dot said as she smiled at Sam and then blasted four of the same creatures away from sam. Sam nodes and flew away from dot. Dot ran up to Nat who was fighting a girl with horns and blueish skin. Then a bright white line with some colours of the rainbow strike to the ground like lightning.

Then Thor appeared once the light disappeared but Thor had shorter hair this time and he was with a what looked like a tree but it walked and had arms. He was also with a raccoon with a gun and some cloths on. Then out of nowhere a girl with long kinda wavy ginger hair flew down and stopped a wheel with spikes sticking out of it from killing Nat and Dot.

"Thanks! And what's your name?" Dot asked

"I'm Wanda" she said as he hands glowed a scarlet colour. Dot smiled at Wanda and Dot spoke kindly, "I'm dot."

"Enough chitchat there's more coming". Nat spoke loudly over the creatures cries. Dot nodded and went to help Bucky and the raccoon. Dot soon realised that they were surrounded by these creatures. "How much for the gun?" The raccoon asked and looked at the gun Bucky was holding .

"It's not for sale" Bucky said and looked at dot and he mouthed, 'this raccoon can talk.'
Dot just shrugged and the Bucky picked up the raccoon and they started shooting the creatures. He then dropped the raccoon.

"How much for the arm?" The raccoon asked. Bucky looked at the raccoon and shook his head then walked away. Dot then followed.

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