Chapter 35

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Steve tightens the strap on his broken shield. He held out his hand and Thor's hammer came to him. He whispered, "avengers... assemble!"

Then both army's charged at each other. Dot froze and burned many aliens. Thanos tried getting the stones. "I don't think so!" Dot yelled  as one of her eyes glowed a flaming orange and the other blood red.

Dot hit thanos multiple times with fire balls. But he blocked all of it with sword. "You think you can hurt me!" Thanos yelled

Dot smirked " no but she can" then Wanda came over and started throwing energy balls at thanos.

Dot turned around and ran towards Bucky. Then a blue alien stabbed dot. Dot yelled in pain as the sword went straight through her.

"Dot!" Yelled Bucky. Sam flew over and started shooting at the alien. But the alien pulled out the sword and ran away unharmed.

Dot fell to the floor in pain. She screamed in pain and Bucky ran towards her. He dropped his gun and he put dots head on his lap.

Dot smiled through all the pain and she wiped the tears from Bucky's face. "Don't-don't c-cry Bucky." Dot stuttered.

Sam and Steve walked over. Steve dropped his shield and ran towards dot. "Dot! Dot I'm sorry" Steve cried. Dot winced in pain.

"It's ok I forgive y-you" dot said breathlessly, "go save the w-world" dot smiled. Steve got up and ran back to the battle.

"Goodbye Sam" dot said weakly.

"Don't say that you'll be fine... ok" Sam cried even though he tried not to. Dot coughed, "I'm way past my time anyway" Sam and dot laughed. Sam then flew away and helped in the battle.

Dot looked at Bucky. She kissed Bucky passionately. " don't that" Bucky cried.

"Do what?" Dot whispered weakly. Bucky looked at her as tears came down his face.

"Don't kiss me for the last time!" He cried. Dot looked at him and she placed her hand on his face and said, "maybe this will happen in another life!"

"Don't forget I love you" Bucky whispered.

"I love you t-" dot faded as her eyes slowly closed. Then a single tear fell from her eyes.

Bucky cried and hugged her lifeless body. He gently kissed her forehead.

Hours later the battle was finally over and the compound was in ruins. Steve came over to Bucky.

Bucky stood up and hugged Steve. "I'm sorry Steve... she didn't make it" Bucky's voice broke as he tried not to cry.

"At least she saw you" Steve said with a small smile.

Then they held a funeral for dot and tony then Steve return the stones and then came back old aged and he gave the shield to Sam.

Couple days later Bucky bought a dog. He named it spot. He named the dog spot because it was what dot would have wanted, and it was a Dalmatian so it made sense. And it's a simple name with a big meaning.

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