Chapter 14

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Dot closed the door and leaned on the door. "Umm... ok Bucky Steve is looking for you and also there is food so I'm going to go.." she fades out as she leaves the room leaving Bucky alone.

Time skip

Dot entered her room and slammed the door behind her and put on some Pyjamas and threw herself onto the bed. She smiled to herself.

She closed her eyes and tried to get to sleep. She tossed and turned on her uncomfortable spring bed all she thought about was Bucky. She liked Bucky and she couldn't deny it but she thought on what Steve would say if he knew.

She sat up and went to the end of the bed and put on some slippers and went downstairs and headed to the kitchen. She also couldn't sleep because of the memories. Every time she closes her eyes she's back there. Everything was a lot quieter now everyone's gone, she thought.

She entered the kitchen and headed to the fridge and grabbed, butter and ham then went to the cupboard and grabbed a loaf of bread and headed to the counter. She reached a draw and grabbed a knife. Dot made her sandwich and as she headed towards the door a familiar voice spoke.

"Are you going to make me one?" She turned around and saw Loki. He sat on a chair in the corner of the room. "What are you doing it's 3 am" dot asked giving him a strange look.

"What are you doing?" Loki asked as he began to get up from the chair.

"Making a sandwich and it's was a bit weird that you came out of know where" she said leaving Loki alone and heading back to her room and started to draw how she wanted the room too look like. She loved drawing. The only way she could express herself. Is what she likes to say.

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