Chapter 32

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Dot started to cough up blood again but this time it was red and not black. "What the hell-" dot coughed. When she finally stopped coughing up blood she noticed the floor was covered in blood.

She went downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed some cleaning supplies so no one would notice. Once she cleaned her floor she quickly went downstairs and put the things back.

"Hey guys were back!" Dot heard dot yelled. Dots vision suddenly got blurry and dot fell. The side of he head smacked the corner of the kitchen counter; then dot fell to the floor.

"Dot! Dot!" She heard a muffed mumble. With her vision still blurred she managed to recognise the voice. It's Steve.

She was then lifted from the ground by Steve. "Steve?!" She mumbled as she struggled to move her lips.

"Y-yes dot" Steve stuttered. Then dot managed to move her muscles into a smile. Then she sat down on the sofa with Steve's help.

Then someone handed her a glass of water. She took the glass and gulped the water. Then soon her vision started to come back and she could see everything perfectly.

Dot tried to get up but she failed. Steve jumped up from his seat and went to dot. "Woah dot not so fast sit and rest then we can run some tests to see what's wrong." Steve explained

"NO! No tests" dot yelled as she tried to forget her memories of tests at hydra. Soon after she managed to stand up again.

Dot started to walk out of the room. "Where are you going dot?" Steve asked in a panicked voice.

"No where that you should know off" dot spoke as she walked out of the room.

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