Chapter 29

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Dot sat down connected to machines and she closed her eyes as she tried to steady her breathing. She wished Bucky was here and she imagined what he would have said to her if she told him what she was doing.

"Ok dot your going to hear some high pitch noise and feel a lot of pain." Bruce said in a kind calming tone. "O-o-okay I'm read-ready" dot stuttered as she managed to steady her breathing. She was scared a lot more than she'd like to admit.

Bruce turned on the machines and dot heard a ringing sound in her ears get louder and louder. Suddenly, dot felt like thousands of needles were stabbed into her one by one.

Dot closed her eyes and she imagined Bucky sat in the room with her and he was holding her hand. "Are you ok dot" she heard Bruce say over the loud ringing in dots ear.

"Yea-yeah" dot managed to say. She felt the colour fade from her face and she felt so weak that she couldn't keep her eyes open. She felt her eyelids got heavier and heavier until she couldn't keep her eyes open and everything went cold.

"Dot... Dot are you ok?" She heard Bruce mumble as she gained consciousness. Dot groaned and didn't reply to Bruce. Bruce handed her a glass of water and dot just sat in the chair and took the glass of Bruce.

"W-what ha-happened?" Dot stuttered as she took a sip of water. "Well well your powers are got but they left you weak and vulnerable to anything.." Bruce explained.

Dot smiled a little. "My powers, are they really gone?" Dot asked weakly. Bruce nodded and helped dot of the chair and they went into the TV room.
"Hey guys!" Dot said weakly.

Steve didn't say anything and just hugged dot tightly. "What's this for?" Dot asked and laughed a little.

"I just feel like you need one" Steve said as he hugged her tightly. Dot smiled to herself and then pulled away from the hug and went to sit down on a sofa.

Then Bruce went back to his lab and Steve sat on the left of dot and Nat sat on the right of dot. "Hey dot do you want to watch a movie." Steve asked.

"Not really" dot said sadly and looked to the floor. "Hey what's wrong?" Nat asked as she got down so then dot can see her.

Dots eyes started to get watery and tears fell from her eyes. "I just miss him" dot said sadly as she tried not to cry.

"Miss who?" Nat and Steve asked.

"I miss Bucky and Sam and everyone" dot mumbled. Then dot stood up and stormed out of the room. Jeez her emotions really getting to her now.

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