Chapter 13

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Dot left her seat and decided to walk to Bucky but then she bumped into someone and dot fell to the floor breaking one of her heels.

"Oh stupid heels!" Dot yelled. Bucky turned around he had a little smile on his face.

"heels aren't your thing are they?" He asked kindly whiles he looked at dot who was sat on the floor with a broken heel.

"Yeah no shit Sherlock! And these aren't mine there Nat's so ugh!" Dot yelled in a bit of anger the Bucky held out his hand and helped Dot to her feet.

"Oh and by the way you look wonderful in that dress" he whispered close to dots ear making dot smiled to herself and blush slightly by the comment.

"Ok so I need new shoes and I need to buy Nat some more heels" dot spoke as she took the heels off.

"So can I help?" Bucky in a confused tone said as he looked into dots emerald green eyes.

Dot smiled and started to walk off, "we'll come on then." She said not even looking back at Bucky.

Bucky soon followed. Dot and Bucky were upstairs in the spare room were they found some of Nat's old heels that have never been wore.

"How about these" Bucky said holding some small black laced heels.

"Sure" dot said taking the heels out of Bucky's hand and walked over to the end of the bed and put them on her feet.

"What do you think?" Dot asked whiles she looked at herself in the mirror with her red dress and her small black heels.

Bucky stood up and smiled and he walked a little closer to Dot until he was so close that Dot could feel his warm breath hitting her neck, she got butterflies and blushed a little but Bucky still didn't reply.

Dot spoke braking the hours of silence, "So down stairs what were you going to tell me?"

"Umm... that you-you l-look beautiful" he stuttered

"Really because I thought you were gonna say something else" she said with a smirk on her face and walked towards the door.

"Wait.." Bucky spoke then quickly grabbed dots hand spinning her around so she was facing him, "I-I-I.." he stuttered.

Dot laughed a little then whispered, "I love you too Bucky" dot blushed a little more making her cheeks a light shade of pink and Bucky blushed but it was hardly noticeable.

Dot felt his hand intertwine with hers, Dot kept eye contact she slowly leaned towards him. Then she kissed him and Bucky pulled her closer to him not braking the kiss and dot wrapped her arms around his neck. Pulling him deeper into the kiss, her hands tangled into his hair Bucky let out a soft groan as he kissed down her jaw to her neck.

There was a loud knock on the door.
"Hey dot are you in there?" Steve asked whiles he continued to knock on the door. Dot quickly pushed Bucky away from her and went to the door and opened the door slightly.

"Yes Steve! What is it?" She said sounding annoyed

"I just wanted to tell you that there's some Chinese downstairs. And have u seen Bucky I haven't seen him in a while?"

"Nope haven't seen him sorry" she said and Steve just walked away. She shut the door and Bucky chuckled.

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