Chapter 23

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Dot got some food and sat down on a table in front of shuri. "S-shuri what w-wrong with me?" She asked as she tried to steady her voice.

"I'm still figuring it out. But why don't we focus on your abilities" shuri said sounding a bit concerned. Dot ate her food and she wondered where Bucky.

Dot and shuri finished there food and went back to the lab. "Okay dot can you set the object in this bowl on fire?" Shuri asked.

"I think.." dot faded out. Dot starred at the bowl trying to set the object on fire.

"Not like that. You have to relax your mind and focus on that power you want to use." Shuri explained it dot still looked a bit confused.

"Ok let's try meditation" shuri said as they walked over to a slightly darker part of the lab. Shuri and dot sat on the floor  legs crossed.

"So what will meditation do?" Dot asked as she gave shuri a confused look. There was a long hours of silence. "It will slow down brain chemistry make you relax" shuri started to speak.

After meditation shuri and dot went over to the floating bed again. She was a very confused.

"Your dying dot this thing is killing you... you here a voice don't you?" Shuri asked but spoke slowly.

"Yeah.. yeah I have" dot sadly spoke.

"And we can try and help you but tiny steps dot" shuri said kindly with a smile on her face.

"There's no saving me shuri" dot said sadly and she shuri's smile faded. Dot stood up, " but we could try" dot said walking away still a little shocked by the fact that she was dying.

Dot slowly walked back to the hut. She looked down at the ground. She accidentally bumped into someone. "Woah doll are you ok?" It was Bucky he looked a bit happy.

"Hey Bucky" she said sadly and hugged Bucky tightly and she was unable to hold any tears back. Tears escaped her eyes, "hey what's wrong?" Bucky asked he sounded a bit concerned.

Dot pushed herself away from Bucky and walked to the hut in silence. Dot entered the hut and slid herself down one of the walls and cried.Bucky came over to dot and hugged her. "It will be alright doll" Bucky said as he tried to calm her down, "Just tell me what's wrong?"

Dot looked at Bucky, "I-I-I just wanted to say that-that-" dot stuttered. Dot looked at Bucky's blue eyes and just whispered, "I'm sorry" dot said as her voice brakes and more tears in her eyes.

Bucky put his hand on her cheek and wiped her tears of her face. "You have nothing to be sorry for, I love you" Bucky smiled at dot.

Dot pulled Bucky in for a hug and she wrapped her hands around his neck. Bucky put his hands on dots waist and pulled her closer to him.

"I need to ask you something" bucky said

"What is it?" Dot said as she moved herself away from Bucky.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes Bucky I will be your girlfriend" dot said as a smile appeared on her face. She jumped and hugged Bucky. "I love you Bucky" dot said softly in his ear.

Bucky smiled leaning in, kissing her and Dot almost instantly kissed back. His hands sliding up her shirt and Dot slowly pulled away and looked at him.

"It's getting late buck" Dot spoke as she lied on Bucky her head resting on his chest.

"Okay so maybe later?" He asked her looking down.

"Yeah... later..." Dot whispered as she fell asleep slowly.

"Okay doll" Bucky kissed her forehead as slowly went asleep.

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